This happened back in 2014, in Mexico. My granpa use to be a carpenter, used to because after what happened he finally decided to fully retire, on what became his last job he asked my uncle to go with him, but since he was busy i offered to go insted, this wasn't rare since I did sometimes went with him. My two younger cousins were home that day, and wanted to go so we would buy them ice cream on the way back home.
So we went to do the estimate, the client (the kidnappers) asked us to go to their place so we could get the correct measurements and begin the job. Once in their place, it was quite remote but still inside the city, I think some 15 minutes away from actual farmland, we went inside and began taking notes of the stuff we were supposed to do.
There were 4 men inside the small house, one of them asked another to close the door, and another to turn on the AC. Then onche the door was closed one of the men got behind me and pressed a knife to my side. There was no chance we would fight back, not with my 2 cousins around, we wouldn't risk them getting hurt.
We were taken to another room, got our phones taken, and our hands and feet tied with ziplocks, and eyes covered with duck tape. After that, it happens as I saw on movies and such, the kidnappers would call my family, make us answer some questions for them to know we were still alive, and asked for money.
On my family's side, I was later told, they managed to contact with "unidad anti secuestros" a special police unit dedicated to cases of kidnapping without the kidnappers knowledge. The police told them to play along and agree to the conditions of the ransom so my family paid some 150k (around 12k american dlls back then).
The police used the handoff as a trap to capture whomever picked up the cash, and then police brutality actually helped safe my, and my families life. I was shown the pictures at a later date, but man the kidnapper got the heck beat out of him, couldn't even recognize his face.
Before his capture, of the man that picked up the cash, he released my youngest cousin, who told his mother that he knew the way back. So with my cousin telling them were to go, and that one captured kidnapper forced into talking, the police broke down the door of the house we were held in, and proceeded to arrest the other 3 accomplices.
During the time I was held hostage, the 3 men that kept watch over us got progressively more aggressive. By the end they would kick my grandfather and forced me to stay awake (i believe they kept me awake for a couple of days but to this day I'm unsure of it). The only thing I can be glad for, is that their aggression was aimed at me and my grandfather, they never touched either of my cousins.
Not an experience I would wish on anyone, hunger and thirst and paranoia, not even to mention the couple of years of ptsd that I had to overcome. There was also that weid time, by the end of the 13th day, that I was just going in and out of consciousness, the memory is kind of hazy, but I do believe i was beginning to hallucinate.
Another horrible thing about the whole event was that since I couldn't see, and was kept in a closed room with no windows or light, I perceived time so different, that I believed I was held for closer to a month and not the 13 days that it was.
All 4 men were arrested, and sentenced to 19 years in prison for kidnapping and extortion. I feel kind of bad for 1 of them, he was a 19 years old child and the son of the oldest of the group (who was 40), he probably never had a chance but to fall to this life.
So that's the story. We are doing fine now, my two cousins bounced back almost immediately (kids are really resilient huh?), My granpa decided to close his shop and I, and my mother, moved back in with him and granma so they could rent my house and have an income (I take care of most of the expenses, the rent money is for his personal use). I on tye other hand, had to deal with ptsd and paranoia for a while but managed to get back on my feet and am in a good place now.
Username: isusahi