
Those Who Have Witnessed the Unexplainable Are Telling Their Stories


1. The World Went Dark

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I have several that I can think of: Once when I was like 15 and my brother was 12, we were home alone. It was after school and still light out. Maybe around 4 or 5? I was upstairs in my room cleaning and he was on the main floor playing Minecraft or something.

At the moment I was looking out the window and everything went dark. Like...not just the room and the house but like I was suddenly totally blind. It was like the sun went out.

It only lasted for like a half a second or so but it was so real. I ran to go downstairs and when I got there my brother was at the bottom of the steps on his way up and he was like "did everything just go all dark for you too?"

Fast forward and now I'm in college. I am a junior and my brother is a freshman. He lives with me and my best friend in a real shitty townhouse. My best friend has a German Shepherd. Friend was working close, so brother and I are hanging out with dog.

We are sitting in my bedroom and we decide to watch a movie. Dog is on the floor at the end of the bed. We start movie and go "hey let's order food" and proceed to get the cheapest delivery we can find. Food gets here, dog stays with me while brother goes down to get the food.

Come back up, play movie, open food, dog starts begging. We tell him no and to lay down, blah blah. He listens and just kinda sulks about not getting a snack. 20 minutes later we hear this SLAMMING on our front door. It's terrifying. I'm real spooked.

Sounds like a mix of haunted scratching and body slams. Brother goes down to check it out. Nothing is there. We lived right next to a bar so we think maybe some drunk idiot had stumbled onto our porch again.

Then we suddenly realize, where's dog? He would have been barking at the slamming for sure. Search entire house, even the closets and basement. No dog. Check all locks and windows to make sure he didn't get out. Everything is sealed.

Then we hear a knocking at the door. Neighbors are on the porch with Dog. Said he was running in the street. We still can't figure out how the hell he got out. My brother is POSITIVE he locked the door after getting the delivery food.

The other door was to the back and we kept it locked always cause it was sketchy back there. No windows were open or unlocked either for the same reason- not a great area. We swept that house for holes or escapes and never found any. Must have a blink dog or something.

Flash forward again and now I'm an adult or something. I have PTSD from a bad car accident where I was a passenger. I also happened to be in my work uniform. I'm in therapy and stuff but I still don't drive at all and everything is kinda shitty when it comes to cars.

Anyway- I'm at work, in the same uniform. We have to go do a big drive that involves the highway which is where the first crash happened. I immediately start to panic. I'm trying not to show it. My bosses don't know I have PTSD but a few friends I work with do.

I am trying to calm myself down and telling myself it will be fine, blah blah. I'm waiting for the vehicle to have it's safety check done and I look down and there's this little metal thing on the ground between my feet.

I pick it up and it's a small metal piece, perfectly rectangular, about a half an inch long. It says "drive safe. I need you here with me" with a heart. I still keep it in my pocket.

Username: garlicerror

2. Your Parents Aren’t Around...

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I used to have a serious case of sleep paralysis, my first sleep paralysis happened around when I was 12 yrs of age, i used to sleep with my parents(asian household), my mom has diabetes and she would often get up in the middle of the night to eat and my dad would often go with her and watch the tv until she finished her late night hunger.

One night when my sleep paralysis occurred for the fist time, the same happened and i woke up and couldn't move, i didn't even know I was experiencing sleep paralysis back then, and i was scared af. However the door was left open and the light from the corridor was illuminating gently in the room making the room quite visible to look around.

The sound of mom making food and dad's tv could be heard. After frantically attempting to call out my parents and failing along with my attempts to move even my finger to the slightest, I was in a pure panic.

Then I saw a silhouette of an old lady, around 5'5 i assume, hunched back and was shaking profusely as if she's feeling cold, she had long black hair which looked like it hadn't been washed for ages, a ragged dress which look more like its made of sack, she also had absurdly long nails and ugly thin fingers, her dress also covered most of her features. Her long hair also covered her eyes and forehead as well.

The old lady slowly climbed on the bed and was shaking profusely as she proceeds to make her way towards me, slowly she approached, my heart pounded so hard i thought my ribs would break, I panicked, i tried to struggle, it was in vain, I tried to scream, again failed, as she slowly, and I dont know why but I think she was grinning that whole time as she approached me.

Then seeing her crooked body so close to me I think I heard her whisper to me, "Your parents aren't around, I'm going to slap you." Yea I know it sounds absurd, but after hearing her say that I closed my eyes shut and prayed so hard I fell asleep, when I wake up it was a normal morning, but I was in turn all sticky (sorry my grammer isn't that good) due to my sweats from my sleep paralysis experience, my mom though i was feeling hot and was not too concerned since I didn't have a fever.

That was the first time I was experiencing my fist sleep paralysis, I told my parents about what happened but they shrugged it off saying I'm just experiencing sleep paralysis, and told me that I should eat more food to make it go away.

After that I had a couple of experiences but none felt like the first time, sometimes I saw black figures running or standing around the bed but I was forced to believe myself in thinking that they're all just my imaginations, but deep down I feared the old lady might show up again one of these days.
Years later, I finally earned my own room and bed in our new home, there I had the unfaithful opportunity to see her again,

That night my room's door was open and next to my room is my sister's, when I woke up I knew I was experiencing sleep paralysis and I got used to it weirdly. But that night the old lady was standing in the corridor, she was clearly seen from my door, and she walked towards my sister's room which was next to the stairs which led to the backdoor.

She was shaking like before and in my inner monologue, I told myself, "Not again!" But this time the atmosphere was different, I didn't feel much fear than I expected, as she made her way towards the stairs I feel like I yelled(probably my imagination)"Where are you going?"

To which I think the old lady said "I'm going" and I was left there, confused af yet paralyzed, and proceeded to close my eyes and sleep. After that incident I rarely experienced sleep paralysis and it left me with many questions to this day

Username: tumtelekaa

3. Burned Who Knows What

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When I was 15 my friend and I decided to sneak out of my house late at night and go for a walk along the train tracks into the woods so we could smoke cigarettes. We chose the tracks because we got busted by the police for a curfew violation a few months back when we did the same thing along the road, and we often walked along the tracks in the daytime, so we were familiar with where we were. It was cloudy though, so there wasn't much moonlight and it was hard to see.

We walked to a bridge on the tracks that was over a creek, which was about 30 mins from my house. I lived in a rural part of Pennsylvania that had turned suburban over time, but this part of the woods was still completely undeveloped, so there wasn't anything around back there.

The two of us were just smoking and talking on the bridge and then, about 200 yards away in a clearing to the left of the creek we saw soft little lights start to appear. At first there was just a couple of them coming through the forest into the clearing, but then more and more started popping up.

It took us a minute, but we realized it was people holding candles and walking around. They had to be using candle light, because torches or flashlights would have been much brighter.

We couldn't really make out the people, because the light they were giving off was too dim, but there was about a dozen flames moving around, and we could hear that they were talking, even though we couldn't make any of it out. One of them laughed at something, which was the loudest noise they made, and then we heard what sounded like someone hammering metal.

We figured they were pitching a tent for camping, but something just felt off about it. Like, who the fuck sets up a camp site by candlelight and why were they being mostly quiet?

It just felt wrong, and getting bad vibes from it we started walking away quietly, so they wouldn't notice our nearby presence. My friend then yelled out, "I see you fuckers," and proceeded to run away at top speed.

Suddenly one of them kicked on a very bright flashlight, like a goddamn car's highbeam, and the light started wildly scanning the tree canopy. These people had that the whole time, but were using candles for light? WTF? Following my friend's lead I booked it the hell out of there.

I couldn't see shit though, and tripped on a track, landing on my forearm, which absolutely ate the stones lining the track. I got back up, looked back to see nothing but inky blackness and kept running for my life. 5 minutes later I was completely gassed. I was no athlete to begin with, but I presume a night of chain smoking didn't help matters.

I walked the rest of the way alone, as my friend was gone, but it wasn't much further to my house at that point. I made it to the intersection between the tracks and road, which is where my house was, and then suddenly someone comes barreling out of the woods flailing their arms over their head like Leatherface and screaming.

It was my friend and yes, I nearly pissed myself. He laughed while I tried to get my heart started again and we snuck back into my house.

About two weeks later we went back to the clearing where the people were, but very much during the daytime and with another friend. At the site we found a dirty-ass mattress along the tree line, a small burned pile of who knows what, as well as several post holes in the ground.

The holes were pretty thick, so we didn't think they were from tents, but we had no idea really. Our theories ranged from orgy or blood sacrifice to clan rally, but again we never solved that mystery.

Username: paopaopoodle

4. Shadows on the Trampoline

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Was visiting family members out of state over a school break in my mid teens. They had a home up in the mountains in NC near a cliffside overlooking a gold course/country club. They were not secluded or far away from any neighbors or anything like that.

In fact, they lived right off of a main road with plenty of neighbors within a stone toss of the property. I had visited the prior year and was told they recently set up a trampoline, and my younger cousin was excited to show me how she could flip off of it.

The tramplone was set up sort of away from the house in the middle of an open area just before a treeline. There was a single mercury vapor bulb at the top of a telephone pole shining over that section of the property.

During this trip, I made note of how eerily quiet it would get occasionally at night, especially on foggy evenings, unlike the previous visit at a different time of the year.

A little over a week into the trip, I was helping my older cousin and his friend pack his car with a few things before heading off to his college dorm. It was a particularly foggy evening, and we were packing under the dim lights off the street and porch light.

I sat down against the car just as we finished and chugged down a bottle of water while looking out towards where the trampoline was. My cousin and his friend went back inside to look for something, and later, I was told they got caught up in a conversation with my uncle about plans for the following weekend.

About 10 or 15 minutes into resting and drinking water, I notice the trampoline sort of moving as if a consistent breeze was running over and under it. It made the flattened out tarp over it move as if it was running water at a stream.

I got up and walked towards a tree stump that was next to the telephone pole with the light. From where I was on top of the tree stump, I could see the trampoline a little better but not as clearly as I would be able to during the day time. I was about 40 yards away.

Keeping an eye out for my cousin looking back and forth at the front of the house and then the somewhat mesmerizing trampoline, I realized that the tarp/cover was not actually on it. It was hanging over the side of some stairs that lead up to the back/side deck.

The water-like movement stopped and the longer I looked at the trampoline, the way the light was shining made less and less sense. I clearly remember the material being somewhat reflective, whereas the surface currently looked pitch black.

I walked towards it to get a better look and I stopped about halfway towards it when I saw that the top of it had sunken down as if someone was standing in the center. It went down enough to almost touch ground.

The hairs on my arms stood up and a sudden jolt of panic struck me. Before I could make a decision about what to do, whatever was on the trampoline jumped off, and my legs got me to the passenger side of the car.

As I was catching my breath, I was trying to make sense of how I didn't see anything jump off, the trampoline obviously moved and made noise, I didn't hear or see anything land anywhere etc etc. I frantically looked around out of all the windows and saw nothing as a few cars drove past on the road.

I sat in the car for what seemed like an eternity, just going over everything as if I would forget. My cousin and his friend eventually came out, and I told them what had happened.

We sat in silence for a chunk of the drive, and eventually, the two of them shared stories about how "weird things" happen just near the tree line like seeing shadows moving in ways they shouldn't. I have visited a handful of times since and have not experienced anything else out of the ordinary. Still can't make any sense of it.

Username: BDXlll

5. Dude...Thats a UFO

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A few years back I was riding back from picking up my cousin from work at around 9pm. My other cousin, her brother, was driving and I was in the passenger seat.

We were driving down a backroad with only fields of what will eventually be corn and vegetables on both sides, with a single 2 story house with an attic coming up in the distance on the right side of the road. This house had a tree about 4-5 stories (using "story" as a form of measurment as i have no idea how to tell distance by eye alone) high in the yard, and above the tree, let's say at a 7th or 8th story high, was this large dark shape sitting against the night sky.

I could barely make it out with it being so dark, it was by chance I noticed it, but with how large the shape was I figured it was a plane getting ready to land, as I was aware there was an airport not far from here.

But as we approached closer and closer, the shape stayed right where it was, sitting above the tree. I kept asking myself "What is that? What is that?", more curious than anything. We were going to pass the house and the shape still sat there above it, so I slunk super low into my seat until I could look up & out my passenger side window trying to get a good look at this thing from underneath as we pass by.

Beneath the shape was 3 very large circular lights arranged in the shape of a slight isosceles triangle. They were a blueish-white, and did not, for lack of a better term, "brighten" anything. They were just giant circles of blueish-white. They weren't blinding at all, just huge and bright, I guess like a large "glow".

The bright circles were set into this dark shape. You couldnt see any details of this giant shape even with these huge lights attached to it. The size of these circles were a little mind boggling, as the lights would have been much larger than the vehicle we were driving in if this thing was closer to the ground.

I said "Oh my God." with a disbeliefed inflection (if you can imagine what I'm throwing out here), and my cousin asked me "What?" with concern. I asked him if he could see that shape against the sky above the house we just passed, and he said "Yeah, I can," to which I say "Dude...I think thats a ufo."

We're a bit of distance further away from the house as we pull over, get out and watch the shape sit there, unmoving and in complete silence (the shape, not us). From our angle, there is a single blinking light on the shape like a plane would have, but from the way it just sat in the air making zero noise, i just can't believe it was a plane, but it most definitely was the size of one.

I tell him about the lights I saw from beneath the shape, and after a few more minutes of gawking, he unexpectedly gets back in the car. I look back one more time, then i follow suit and we head back to town, watching it continue to sit there until we turn onto a road and it is no longer in sight.

I kinda regret not thinking about telling him to go under it a 2nd time to look at it again, but man, when something so unknown is just sitting right there a stones throw away from the ground, the last thing that crossed my mind was "Let's go under it again!" lol.

I've always believed in ufo's whether that be aliens or what have you, or at least enjoyed watching tons of youtube videos on them. But after that, there is no doubt in my mind that ufo's are indeed something real.

What really gets me is that all these photos and videos of three circle lights in the shape of a triangle are pretty much exactly what it looks like lol. If you ever wondered what a ufo sighting looks like, there ya go! Sorry for the long post. I'm not much of a story teller, or succinct lol.

Username: Taucoon23

6. The Bird That Wasn’t There

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Does not seeing something count? I was at a friends wedding reception in a large country house surrounded by countryside. I’m standing by my car that I was about to sleep in (the rooms in the hotel were too expensive for me).

I hear what sound like footsteps walking towards me from way down the road I was parked on. They approach rhythmically from the dark getting louder as they get closer.

I’m training my eyes on where the sound is coming from expecting a guest from the wedding to appear out of the darkness at any moment. As the footsteps get closer I still can’t see anything despite my eyes adjusting to the darkness and the sound seemingly being now right infront of me.

The footsteps get to what sounds like less than 5 meters from me and come to a stop with what sounds like one foot scraping along the road. I stand there for close to 15 minutes staring at the spot the sound last came from, trying not to breath. Nothing. The sound never started again.

The next morning I check the other side of the road and it’s all grassy fields. Nothing moving in those fields was making the noise I heard the previous night. Separately. I was house sitting for the same friend’s parents and while there some things happened that ranged from strange to curious.

Despite nobody being in the house apart from me. One morning I found the back door had been bolted shut even though I was in the habit of leaving it unlocked during the night; it was a gated house. The TV in the kitchen (right next to the back door) didn’t work one morning. It had been turned off at the plug.

One of the dogs stood at the threshold to the kitchen and started barking at something while looking over my shoulder and behind me, as I was sat at the kitchen table where I would watch the above TV. This dog loved food.

Would never turn it down. I couldn’t get the dog to enter the kitchen at all in that moment no matter what food I held out for him. Later it would also bark at the living room wall for a prolonged period of time.

Normally, when one of those dogs barked the other two would come sprinting through the house to see why the one was barking. On these occasions the other dogs didn’t care at all to see what the fuss was about.

I returned to the room I had been sleeping after taking a shower in the bathroom (not en-suite). I’d probably been in the bathroom for over 20 minutes at least. When I returned to my room there was a night light that had come on.

It was obscured by a dolls house and was motion triggered. I never even knew that light was there. It had never come on on any of the previous nights I’d slept in that room. The dogs weren’t allowed upstairs and there was a baby gate stopping them from coming up. Fuck knows what caused that light to come on.

I took all three dogs for a walk. I exit the house onto a main road. Cross the road and down a side road towards a footpath where I’d walk the dogs everyday. After crossing the main road there is a red postbox there.

On this day I notice a bird laying on the ground next to the post box. I assume it will fly away as we approach. It did not. The dogs see it and make a beeline for it. More playful than aggressive. Two of them are big dogs and when they pull you go with them.

They get right up to the bird and it doesn’t fly away. I assume it’s injured. The dogs only have a sniff for a second and then back off. I continue the walk. On the way back the bird is still there.

Later that day I need to go to the shop which is also over the main road and next to the postbox. I can see the bird is still there. I decide that if the bird is still there in a couple of hours I’ll see if I can help it. I go back inside and call a vet.

They say to bring it in before closing if it’s still there later. I check again in the evening and the bird is still there. Following the vet’s instructions I pick the bird up gently with a towel and place it in a box and take it to them.

They say they will check it out. The next morning I take the dogs for a walk. And the bird is back in exactly the same place. After the walk it is gone.

Username: GoodOlBluesBrother

7. Asylum in the Georgian Woods

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Long story made short: Was hunting in southwest Georgia on some land owned by a chemical manufacturer. About 30ft high in a tree climbing stand in roughly 30 degrees winter weather. Early morning around 5am, I get into position and begin my hunt.

Doze off for about 10 minutes around 6am. Get snapped awake by some movement in the brush. I'm in thick hard woods, not a field (never been one to use fields to hunt, feels like cheating to me). I scan the area for about 5 minutes, don't hear anything else.

There's bushes down south called palmetto, have really tasty little berries/nuts. First learned I could eat them by watching a raccoon eat them, and decided to try myself, but thats irrelevant to the story just something I remember fondly.

I continue scanning and see what looks like a face of something hiding behind a palmetto. I watch it but it doesn't move, I assume it to be normal hardwood trickery, sometimes your mind just interprets things weird. Wide awake now, I just continue to hunt.

I watch some wildlife nearby, squirrels, turkeys etc. A few hours pass, I doze off again. I hear movement, like deliberate steps, similar to how a cautious deer moves. I gently awaken this time, rather than snapping and see a man with a full beard and thick clothes on, long hair walking deliberately towards my tree.

He's staring up at me as though he's trying to observe me. I don't move or make any indication I'm awake. He gets below me and I lean down and loudly whisper to him he's fucking up my hunt. He seems like I kinda scared him, and he apologizes quietly and leaves the way he came.

Mind you, behind the bush he was at was a wide creek that myself and my father had built a bridge out of spare wood over. He didn't use the bridge, he wades through the cold water. Like, freezing cold heavy current water.

Made a lot of noise, ruined my hunt. Regardless I keep at it, and stay in the tree. I decide not to use any lure equipment because it might spook the deer whenever they get to the area and catch a whiff of the man's scent. I just let it play out, realizing I have a few hours before any deer ever could show up. So I doze back off.

I'm awakened again by the sound of creaking wood next to me, usually caused by winds, but again I'm deep in the thick hard woods on a clear windless day. I smap awake again, and look to my left to see the man sitting on a tree limb *right* next to me. *I'm 30 feet high*

I grab my 270. Remington 700 and point it in his direction, making sure I don't flag him with the weapon but showing him that I'm not fucking around. I tell him angrily he's already fucked up my hunt, and that he's not allowed to be on the property because we have at least 20 acres reserved for our family. He remains silent and just climbs down the tree, very quickly like its second nature to him.

Well, come to find out that there was an escaped man from a mental rehab institution about 3 counties away in Flordia. His picture was very resemblant of the man I encountered, but his picture he had shorter hair and less beard. He had been escaped for 3 months.

He was never seen again after he escaped, at least on record. What's unexplained is why he was in the institution, why he was living deep in the Georgian woods, and why he was so intent on disrupting my hunt.

Username: ARKSH7R

8. Visit From My “Dad”

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I love telling this story because people rarely believe me lol. A bit of a forewarning, this story is very long.

It happened a couple of years ago. I was one of those kids who like to stay up way past bedtime playing on my phone and my parents were the kind of people to come and occasionally check that I was actually asleep (because they knew I probably wasn’t). Anyway, I remember it was close to midnight. I could hear somebody moving around in the hallway outside my room.

I figured it was probably my dad, he was a pretty well known night owl. As I’m lying there playing on my phone, I can hear the footsteps slowly approaching my room. I react by throwing my glasses and my phone under my covers and pretending to be asleep. Sure enough a couple of minutes later my door opens and the person I assume was my dad enters the room.

It’s important to note that at the time we had a family dog who liked to sleep at the foot of my bed. The fact that he had no reaction about a person coming into my room was part of the reason I thought it was a family member.

So, I’m lying there pretending to be asleep, my “dad” enters the room, steps up to my bed and leans over my body, putting one hand on either side of me. He stared at me, for what felt like nearly a minute. I remember that as I was laying there, I felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest.

Slowly his hands retracted as he backed up and walked out of my room. He did not close the door behind him and moments later, I heard the family dog stand up and leave the room.

I quickly pulled out my phone and glasses and put them back on the nightstand where they belonged, deciding I was probably better off going to sleep for real at that point. In the morning, I woke up to find my door was still open. I got up to close the door and get dressed.

My mom was standing in the kitchen doing something and when she noticed me come in she said good morning and then she asked me why I’d let the dog out of my room in the middle of the night. I asked her what she meant and she told me that in the middle of the night the family dog had come running out of my room and into hers.

She claims that at that point in time that she and my dad had both been asleep in bed, but they had been woken up by the dog coming into the room. Of course, this defeated the idea that it had been my dad after all coming into my room.

Because he had been asleep at the time. My next that had been my younger brother (he had a nasty sleepwalking habit), only my brother had been out of town for the weekend. Meaning it couldn’t have been him.

My dad got up about half an hour later to get ready for work. He grabbed his coffee said hello to my mom and I then went outside to get in the truck. He came back in about a minute later asking if my mom had taken the truck somewhere last night.

As it turned out of the settings in his truck had been changed. The seats have been moved. The mirrors had been adjusted. All of the radio presets had been changed.

After I told my parents about what happened the previous night combined with what we knew had just happened to the truck, we were all a little freaked out about it. To this day I still don’t have an explanation.

Username: mcwillit7629

9. Somewhat Humanoid

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About 2 or 3 years ago, I was with some friends in my car outside one of my friends' houses. It was around 9PM in winter time, so relatively dark out but clear weather. There were five of us in the car - myself and a friend in the passenger seat, as well as three friends sitting in the middle row. (It's an SUV)

We were talking about some random topic, when all of a sudden I felt an intense feeling go down my spine, like we were being watched. I turned to my friend in the passenger seat and he looked up at me at the same time like he had just seen a ghost. I asked him if he felt that too, and he said yes. None of my other friends in the back felt anything. We felt really strange, but ignored it and kept talking.

A few minutes later, the feeling came back stronger than before, and once again my friend and I looked at each other at the same time. He looked right past me out the driver's side window (which my back was to) and told me not to turn around.

None of my other friends saw anything, but he said there was something out there, and I felt some sort of "presence" behind me. We took turns describing to each other what we sensed it looked like, and we were for SURE both seeing/sensing the same thing.

It was pure white and humanoid, but the details of what we sensed are fuzzy to me. Clearer descriptions later in the post. After a minute or so, it went away, and we were totally spooked.

This is where it gets weirder. My friend and I both felt the presence making circles around the car, and we began to both see green glowing circles moving quickly around it. It's hard to explain, but we couldn't really see them, it was more knowing they were there.

They began to move faster and we were freaking the hell out. Then all of a sudden they disappeared. Once again, we both saw/felt these, but nobody in the back did. THEN:

Passenger seat friend and I were leaning back to talk to the middle row, when all of a sudden on the sidewalk behind the car there was a flash of white light and a creature sprinting down towards us. It was pure white, bipedal, somewhat humanoid, and very tall and lanky.

I'm going to guess it was probably 7 feet tall. It had a horse-shaped head, long black thin hair, black eyes, and claws. My friend and I in the front screamed simultaneously, started the car, and got the hell out of there.

Once we were far, far away, we once again took turns describing to each other what we saw, and we were both on point with each other's descriptions. I took everyone home, then as I was driving home, I still felt the presence behind me.

I couldn't tell if it was in the car or not, but whenever I got to a stop sign/light, I felt it catching up, so I sped the rest of the way back. Once I got home, it was gone.

Both my friend and I could sense that whatever it was wasn't there to kill us or anything, just to make its presence known. Nothing like it has happened before or since.

The only relevant connecting factor between the passenger seat friend and I (that those in the back did not share) is that we were both Christian (at the time).

Username: GeneralCrux

10. Right Behind Me on the Stairs

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I "don't believe in ghosts," but had something weird happen right before we moved into a new house in a very small town in the middle of nowhere last summer/fall. Before we moved in, we were driving around the town, which is pretty rural, trying to get our bearings.

We drove onto Main Street, and it's very quaint, a bunch of mom and pop businesses but not a whole lot to do. Husband spots a furniture store and says let's go look. The store was in what was very clearly a very old building with 3 levels.

We went upstairs, and from there, decided to go to the third floor where all the bedroom furniture was (plus some other odds and ends). The stairs were wooden and very narrow and steep (you know, since it's an old building).

As we started walking up the stairs, I turned my head and saw an elderly lady coming up behind me on the steps. She was so old that I was a little worried about her climbing those steep stairs. We get to the top and there's like an archway you walk through and around the corner to see the furniture.

So husband walks through first, then I walk through. I turned around to make sure the lady got up there OK (she had been RIGHT behind me, like could have touched me she was so close to me). I wait a second and I don't see her, so I get concerned and go back to the top of the stairs and look down.

NOTHING. No one. It was quite a few stairs so if she'd changed her mind and turned around/went back downstairs, no way she could have reached the bottom fast enough to be completely out of sight by the time I looked.

No way in hell, not even if she'd have been young and spry. Not even if she sprinted. And I'd have heard someone running down those creaky steps.

I said to my husband, "Where did that lady go?" and he's like, "What lady?" I said, "The lady who was RIGHT BEHIND ME on the stairs." He said there hadn't been anybody behind me.

I was getting frustrated, like, dude, she was RIGHT THERE, super close to me and he's like, "I turned and was looking right at you before we got to the top and there was nobody behind you."

So yeah. Freaked me right out. I also realized I hadn't noticed her making any noise on the stairs (they were wooden and creaky) but didn't think about it at the time. She looked totally normal.

Didn't look like she was in old-timey or outdated clothes, didn't look, I guess, ghostly, for lack of a better term. Looked like a normal flesh and blood little old lady.

I did find a really cute curio cabinet in that store that I wanted, but my husband was like, "Maybe let's not bring anything home from this store so we're not bringing ANYONE home with it." I was like, that works for me.

I've never hallucinated before. I've never seen "a ghost" before. And I know she was there because she was so elderly that I looked over my shoulder a couple times to make sure she was OK and she looked fine.

So I know I saw someone. I probably glanced back 2 or 3 times to make sure she was OK (my mom had several elderly aunts, all lived to be nearly 100, I was very accustomed to helping little old ladies as they were walking, especially with stairs, so my instinct was to check if she was OK).

Username: Afraid_Sense5363

11. Face/Half-Off

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I've mentioned it a few times now, and my sister had made a video about it some years ago, but when my family and I lived in North Carolina, we had a pretty fucked up house.

The neighbors were creepy as hell, and dogs were always barking in the direction of the house. My dad and sister had heard things in the house, my dad heard chanting that sounded like it came from the woods towards the back of the house, and my sister had heard a child's footsteps running through the house.

Before the main thing, I was sitting in the dining room area and playing in a little sandbox, my mom and sister had left to get pizza so it was just my dad and I home. I got the feeling of being watched, and when I looked towards the front of the house, in the living room, I saw the silhouette of a head in one of the windows.

Freaked me out, I told my dad, he looked and it was gone. Honestly, I cannot tell if that head was inside the house or outside.

The day I saw the main thing that's messed with me for years, my parents had left to do something (I can't remember what exactly, but they had come back with a moving truck) and while I was laying on my parent's bed, playing my DS, I got this feeling to look up and out of the doorway. In the dining/kitchen area that the door opens up to, I saw this tall humanoid shadow thing standing there.

It was like 7 feet tall, I think, and it looked like half of it's face was blown off, skin hanging and everything, but it was a shadow-y mass. It was the time of day where sunbeams were coming through the skylight in the kitchen and was actually going straight through the thing, I think that's what freaked me out the most.

I don't know how long it stood there staring at me, but eventually it turned and walked further into the kitchen, out of sight. I remember getting up off the bed and thinking "Please don't still be there, please don't still be there" and thankfully it wasn't. I ran to my sister's room to wake her (she slept during the day, stayed up at night in that house because of the neighbors,

I can elaborate more if anyone's curious) when I woke her, I told her what happened and she said I could stay in her room and play my game until our parents got back.

When they did get back, and we had most of our stuff packed into the truck, while it was just my sister and I waiting to load the last few bins, we heard what sounded like a guy saying "Helloooooo" almost howling in the house, loud enough to hear but not LOUD loud.

This all happened over 10 years ago now, and I've so far had one situation in the current house where I thought I saw the same shadow figure thing, and had a panic attack, brought my dog into my room and shut the door, didn't open it until my parents got home. I think I'm doing better, but really only time will tell if I have another freak out if something similar happens.

Username: [deleted]

12. Teleporting Chocolate Bar

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Umm I'll share a story with you all. Someone asked something like this before on Reddit, and I'm sharing it again. Okay, so... It's a matter of teleportation.

My kitchen and living room are connected, I have few couches and a table in the living room. I wanted to eat a chocolate bar and went to get one to the kitchen. I grabbed one of them and walked to the livingroom, asked if my mom wanted one, she was sitting on the couch on her phone.

She said yes, so I tossed the bar I had in my hand to the empty armchair next to me and turned back to kitchen. I grabbed another bar and walked to the living room, I looked at the armchair to get the bar I tossed, it wasn't there... I looked around and it was on the table.

For anyone thinking my mom did it, she had a surgery on her legs a few days prior, she couldn't get up without any assistance. And she swears she didn't do anything. The armchair I tossed the bar to is like 1-2 meters away from the table.

I still have no idea how a chocolate bar can teleport from an armchair to the table in two seconds. Also, for those of you who think she leaned over and threw it to the table, THE BAR WAS ON THE CORNER OF THE TABLE SITTING ON IT PERFECTLY PARALLEL WITH THE EDGE.

You cannot throw anything to a table 3 meters away and land it so perfectly. I didn't see or hear anything being thrown or my mom getting up. I live in an apartment on the 6th floor, and there is no one else at home. No neighbors can come in, no dogs or cats, no nothing.

So- I legit thought about how this happened for hours after it happened. I don't believe in any spiritual things or paranormal activities, ghosts, angels, demons, time travel or anything like that. Science can explain everything in my opinion, however, there is no explanation to what happened.

It doesn't matter really, it's not a big event, it doesn't change anything. It's just a simple event in my life which I cannot explain how it happened. My mom saw I tossed the bar to the armchair, and it teleports to on top of the table in a second.

My first thought was "She did it", but we talked about it for a while, and I concluded there is no way she could've. My second explanation was "There are two bars." Apart from the chocolate bar I took later, there must've been one other bar on the table from the beginning, and the one I tossed before... But I looked everywhere in the living room to find the bar I tossed... It wasn't anywhere in the room.

After crossing out these two explanations, there was only one explanation left. Perhaps only if "I didn't throw the bar to the armchair but to the table". But I wasn't the only one in the room, I was almost 100% sure I threw it to the armchair, but my mom also saw I threw it to the armchair. After crossing out three of these, there's nothing else to cross out.

...So yeah... Weird things happen, maybe glitches in the matrix or some power which we don't know about... I am no believer but boy, I thought about it! Thanks for reading.

Username: Suna_no_Gaara

13. Paralyzed With Fear

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Totally thought on this and realized when I was younger I have had so many crazy things happen so here’s a list below: (mixture of seeing and hearing things that were unexplainable)

When my grandfather died, my sisters and I were all in the living room of our family home watching tv and there was a window by the TV. I remember all three of us (myself and my two sisters all started crying) because pressed up against the glass of the window was what appeared to be our grandfather looking in. This was the same day of his funeral I believe. Ever since that happened, we always kept the window curtains closed because of fear.

That same house, I always had strange stuff. I recall one night where I woke up and felt scared out of nowhere. It felt like a scene from the horror movie where it feels like you’re being watched and you don’t know why.

We had a dog that always slept in my room and I remember looking up that night to find our dog gone and an old lady staring at me. I was so paralyzed with fear, that I ended up covering my face with my blanket and when I peeked out again (after what felt like forever) she was gone.

At first I thought maybe I was dreaming but I then heard what sounded like all the pots and pans in the kitchen crashed. I remember running to my parents room and told them only for them to see our pots and pans remained in the same place.

I didn’t know till after but the previous person living in the home was an older lady. One time my sister and I visited home during college where I had fallen asleep in one of the bedrooms while my sister was asleep on the couch.

In the room I was in, it was close enough to where you can hear what is going on in the living room. I remember being asleep but was also half conscious and recall hearing voices and doors opening.

At the time I believed that it was all part of my dream and thought nothing of it. It wasn’t until my sister fully woke up and asked me about the voices that I got literal chills. For some reason she also had trouble waking up but heard a lady and a man talking that she heard walking in through the garage only to quickly leave again.

My dad had quite a bit of stuff in his garage so he was never able to close it and the garage door was always unlocked so still no clue what happened but scary to think someone we didn’t know walked in during both of us sleeping.

Last story I’ll talk about (although there’s more) is that one time I woke up to a high pitched screaming outside my window. It was a blood curdling scream that went on for many minutes.

My younger sister no longer remembers it but I remember calling my bf at the time sobbing because I was so scared of what was outside. Once the screaming stopped, I ran to my parents room only for my dad to find nothing.

I dont know why but this house was a hotspot for so many scary things and everytime I go back, I still always feel a negative energy. Also apologizes for rambling or any errors, my boyfriend has food poisoning and has kept me up all night so might be a bit of a mess.

Username: theaverageblonde

14. The Invisible Cat

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The cat. From the time I was little until the day I left my parents house I would see a cat out of the corner of my eye frequently. It was grey and would dart out out of sight. My mother said I was making things up, my dad ignored me.

I became cognizant of it around 4 or so. Not just that there was a cat, but that only I could see it apparently. We moved multiple times. It was was always there.

Never at a friends house, never in the car, never at school. A grey cat that seemed to lurk just out of sight. Obviously there was not cat. We never fed a cat, no litter box, my father hated cats...yet there was still a cat. Not one that you could pet, but that thing was always around.

As a teen I dismissed it as something my mind was doing. It wasn't real, stop pretending. The cat didn't go away. I saw it less and less, but I was home less frequently. I never spoke to my folks about the cat again after I was maybe 6 or 7.

Time went on and I moved out, got married, family, bought and sold houses, moved. Normal stuff. No cat at my house. Went home to visit. Cat. Then...

My father liked to refinish antique furniture. We had been dragging around an old freestanding kitchen cabinet that had been my grandmothers. My father was born in to a dirt poor family living in a rooming house.

Some guys at a cabinet shop that backed up to that house took pity on my grandmother and made her a kitchen out of scrap wood and old crates. It was always in her house, our house, then 75 years later my father cleaned it up, and it was now in my house.

The cat came with it. It wasn't in my house 5 min until I saw the cat in my own house for the first time. That was 20 year ago. I learned to live with it. I still try to tell myself that the cat is a figment of my imagination.

My dogs do not see it, my cat does not see it. My kids have never mentioned it. I see it. Not everyday, and never more than a fleeting glimpse darting out of the room or under a chair. Its harmless but always there. It came with the cabinet.

There is a photo album I found with some pictures of my grandmother from the 50's and the old kitchen cabinet is in the back porch of her house, visible in one of the pictures through a window. There is a slight blur in an other wise pretty clear Kodachrome photo on the top of that cabinet. It is grey.

I've tried to capture the cat with a camera with both film and digital around the cabinet. I can't. That photo album has something interesting in it though.

There is a picture of my grandmothers sister as a child in probably 1912 or so. There is a clear and visible cat the photos.

I took the picture out of the album and on the back was written "I finally took a picture of my invisible cat", but it was written in ball point pen many, many years later by my grandmother.

I see an invisible cat that no one else can, but only in my house. I put new batteries in my carbon monoxide detector...just to be sure.

Username: One_Distance_3343

15. Why Does it Even Exist?

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I believe in both "cryptids" and extraterrestial life. In short, to me both are life forms that we do not understand yet or have a different origin than the creatures we share our planet with. As for cryptids that are very alike animals that we are familiar with, they could very well have originated in this planet and follow the same laws of physics and biology as most organisms.

I don't have an explanation as to why they still exist, or why they are so rare, other than being ancient (or even future!) life forms that have found themselves in the same time and space as us because of some extremely rare physical or astronomic event.

I distinctly remember that when I was about 8 years old, we went on a family vacation to a rural house (finca), and one night me and brother stayed up late for some reason, maybe looking at the stars and listening to frogs and whatnot. Before going to bed I looked out the window and saw an ethereal figure, as it if it was a very dim flame the size of an adult woman.

Its glow was purple and it had two reddish eyes that also glowed. I was so perplexed and scared that I didn't say a word but my older brother saw noticed that something happened to me, so he walked up to me and looked at what I was looking, and much to his surprise he could also see it.

Whatever that was, it wasn't just pareidolia, hallucinations, or a vivid imagination. It was there, it was perceivable, and it was made up of matter.

Another unexplained thing I observed, this time I was older, maybe 12-13, was the typical "saucer" shaped UFO, but this one was unusual, as it seemed to not be completely opaque, and looked more like a gas, although I couldn't see much detail because it was very far away. It stood in place for a few seconds and then propelled itself into the horizon at a decent speed.

I haven't seen anything unexplained in a long time, maybe because my imagination isn't as vivid as it once was, but I like to think that they are absolutely real. I also haven't deliberately looked for UFOs in a long time since I realized that the actual "aliens" are right here on earth, and I have taken a fascination for them.

I'm talking about arthropods. They're weird, some are shiny and colorful, either through pigments or through light manipulation, they have 6 to 750-1000 legs, and a bunch of appendages, some are scary, some live in places we would have never been able to access without technology, and we will never completely understand them.

Have you ever thought about why a spider is born knowing how to weave a circle and an hexagon? There are some species of wasp in the family Trigonalidae that lay their eggs on a leaf, so they can be consumed by a caterpillar, and when that caterpillar is captured and fed to the larva of a paper wasp, the Trigonalid larva will then consume the paper wasp larva. Why does such a thing even exist?

Username: _Stizoides_

16. Orange Orb

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Orange orb in the sky - multiple sightings. I used to work 2nd shift and got off work at midnight. The drive home was half highway, and half country road (a well-traveled one, but surrounded by fields and trees for the whole drive). On at least three occasions I saw an orange orb in the sky while driving down the country road.

The orb always traveled east-to-west, appeared to be no more than 500 feet in altitude, was always descending slowly as it traveled, and always appeared at about the same time. For background, I've been aviation geek for 30 years and flight sim frequently.

It was not an airplane or a helicopter. The light was a steady orange, no strobes/beacon, no green, red, or white. There IS a small airport in the vicinity and the light did appear to be heading in that direction; however, I know that airport and the direction the orb traveled was not the approach path for the one runway they have.

If they were making an approach they'd have to make a hard left turn for a very very short final like a bush pilot might have to make, except there would be no reason for this as its all wide open fields surrounding the airport.

The last time I saw it I decided I was going to keep it in sight as long as possible; there were always trees to my right during previous sightings. So when I saw it, I sped up to get past the woodsy area to a clearing, and I watched it continue to descend all the way down behind a short tree line in the distance.

When I got home I looked at where I was on Google Earth, and it was no where near close enough to the airport to try and land at that low altitude - it was less than 100' in altitude when I lost it behind the tree line and the airport was still several miles out with the runway on a completely different heading.

It would have ended up in a field. The light was always a steady orange orb, no other lights appeared when I changed my position to it. Definitely no landing lights. It just kind of kept going down to the ground.

A while later back at work, one of my coworkers and I got on the subject of weird stuff. He had mentioned some time ago during small talk that he used to live in a house that was a little further down that country road - I knew exactly which one it was.

So I asked if when he lived there did he ever seen anything weird flying around, and his response was "you mean like an orange orb?". I had not brought this up to him or anyone else at work before, so there's no way he could have known.

He said he had seen it a few times - and the location he described was right where I would have seen it if driving towards that house, and he said it traveled similar to what I had described. I haven't seen it since, but I also don't work that job anymore, so its rare if I'm in that location at night.

Username: [deleted]

17. Figure at the Foot of the Bed

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This happened near an area that has a large number of missing people who've never been found. Or have gone missing only for their body found in unexplainable locations compared to where they went missing. Like there is no reason for their body to be here.

Like impossible. I went on a hike up in the mountains near where the cluster of people is(didn't know at the time) and brought my camera. There is actually a decent number of cases where people, specifically with cameras/photographers go missing to a point where it raises questions.

Anyway I kept getting a really odd feeling, like I was being watched the whole hike up. I wanted go when it was close to evening so I could get sunset photos. So it was starting to get dark. A mist started forming in the woods, and the golden light from the sunset lit up the whole forest.

It was beautiful. I then got the sudden urge to gtfo as quick as possible. Fot some reason, there was zero sound, no wind, no bugs, no birds, it was completely silent. As I turn to walk away I heard a snap like a tree branch about 30 feet away or so.

VERY DESTINCTIVE, like someone had a branch in their hands and broke it in an empty room. I was freaked out. After about 20 steps down the trail it happened again, only it was 5-15 feet away. Even louder, and not like someone stepped on it, again like in an empty room.

I turned around like in a horror film fully expecting something to attack me but nothing was there. I kept putting my camera over my shoulder as I was walking, taking pictures thinking it was a mountain lion. Didn't see anything in the photos.

Made it back down the trail, but the whole way my hair was standing up. My apt was right next to the end of the trail. So I booked it home and called it a night. This is where it gets really weird. Now, I'm not prone to hallucinations, no pre existing mental issues or anything like that.

I've never had a night terror, or super real dreams. At about 2-3 am I woke up and looked in my room and noticed it was really dark. Normally I can see my bathroom door, but this time it was blacker then black. Like a curtain had been pulled around my bed.

I looked at the foot of my bed and saw a shadowy figure in what looked like a large robe with a big hood. Kinda like death with a scythe. It had something in its hand like a staff. I. Freaked. The. Fuck. Out.

And started yelling, screaming so loud the dangle thing in my throat was vibrating, that's how I know I was awake. I must have startled the figure because it's head shook like when you scare someone.

The figure then dropped straight down like it was hunkering down below the line of my bed. I got up, said yeah right asshole i can see you, looked over the edge of my bed, and saw nothing. To this day I can't explain it.

Username: RobotPhoto

18. Thunderbird

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I saw a Thunderbird. Not even joking a little. I’ve also told this story before. It was probably 1990-1992, maybe. My mom and I were driving through a pretty rural part of our town in South Alabama.

At that time, my mom’s car was a Ford Tempo (later became the Ford Escort, I think). We rounded a curve and a large - like SCARY large - bird was in our lane of the road, in front of the car. My mom braked and we came to a complete stop directly in front of this bird.

The bird was large enough that it was looking into the vehicle, through the windshield, OVER the top of the hood. My mom and I sat silently, stunned, looking back at this bird as he looked at us. It was bizarre, because my mom and I never shut up. To this day, we talk to each other so much that my sister resents how close we are. Mom’s my bestie.

The bird sat there, looking at us, for no discernible reason, for several minutes. There was no roadkill or anything that would draw a vulture, but aside from that, this was no buzzard. His coloring was brown, with a white chest. A hooked, yellow bill and fucking huge talons. When he finally took off, his wingspan was the width of the entire road.

At the time, we had never heard of a thunderbird - apart from the car. We both went crazy researching birds, and after the advent of the internet, we went even crazier.

There’s no bird on earth that looks like the bird we saw, and the closest match is an Asian bird, a something sea eagle or Golden Eagle, neither of which would be roaming fucking Mobile, Alabama for any reason.

My mom and I eventually gave up on thinking this creature was something explainable. Mom is more religious than I, and sometimes jokes it was an angel, stopping us from getting in a car accident further up the road.

She bought us matching thunderbird necklaces, which we both wear. I’m so grateful I wasn’t alone when I saw this thing, as I know how insane it sounds.

The whole event took maybe five minutes. It was amazing, and I can still remember it like it was yesterday. But the strangest, weirdest part was the way the bird looked at me and my mom. It was *intelligent*. It looked through the windshield and made prolonged eye contact with both of us.

This fucking bird was eyeballing us, like it recognized us, or it knew something. That’s the part I still remember most clearly, and the part that still gives me chills. That fucking thunderbird knew us, and was trying to communicate or fucking decide our fates, or something. That’s the part I don’t tell people often.

That’s the part that I only really talk to my mom about. Because that’s the part that makes me sound the looniest. I sound like one of those “I got abducted by an alien,” people. But I saw a thunderbird. And that thunderbird saw me.

Username: AmiChaelle

19. Blue Flash

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The blue flash. Everyone in my house (myself, my parents, and my husband) have all seen a blue flash seperately over the course of a few years. I was 15 ish when i saw it. I was home alone one night with all the blinds closed watching tv in the living room.

Suddenly, i saw it in the hallway, just a bright blue flash of light. There were no cars passing by outside, and the hallway light wasn't on. I immediately called my parents, who passed it off as it must have been a car or something electrical.

A couple of years later, my parents saw it (i dont remember their experience, but they believed me after). Then again, a couple of years later, my husband saw it. He said he saw it as more of an orb that came through the ceiling, through the bridge (2 story house with an open 2nd floor and a bridge going to a spare bedroom) and down through the floor.

I like to think it was maybe ball lightning, but I've read that there's usually a smell associated with that. I dont think the house could be haunted as my parents built it.

I've also been visited by people who have passed in dreams. Im 100% convinced they weren't just normal dreams. I saw a friend of mine who had been murdered a couple of months prior. When i saw her, i just asked, astonished, "Aren't you dead?!" Nope! Im fine! She responded with a big smile.

3 times i saw my brother, who died from his cancer therapy a few months prior. The first time we were in the loving room (oddly very near the spot that i saw the blue flash) and i just gave him a big hug and thought out loud "you feel so real" i could vividly feel his skin and warmth and love.

The second time, i was starting to ask him, "What was it like to die?" but my husbands alarm went off early and woke me up. The 3rd time i again asked, "What was it like to die?" and he gave me an answer to a different question.

"God didn't create pain, sickness, and death. But THIS (pointing to my heart) this is wonderful." I take it to mean that to be human is an amazing experience, something truly wonderful and unique in the universe

The last one was more like a regular dream, but I'll never forget it nonetheless. A friend from high school had once again died a few months prior.

In this dream we were in a school setting and i didnt recognise him at first (the last time we saw eachother it took him a minite to recognize me and i got snippy with him about it) then we were with his whole friend group and there was just an air of "all is forgiven" there had been some stupid drama between me and several of them, so it was nice to feel some sort of closure from someone.

Username: [deleted]

20. Ashes From Cremation

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I went to school in Baltimore city back in 2007. Back then Baltimore was the murder capital of the US. Only while living in Baltimore I would frequently have vivid dreams of people who I never saw before and they would always be asking me for help in my dreams or asking me to deliver a message to someone I didn’t know.

Anyways, I had rented a house off campus in a row house behind what I thought was a corner store, because every single night around the same time a box truck would drive down the alley between my house and the corner store and wake me up unloading what I thought was just store merchandise to be restocked for the next business day.

One hot spring day I was leaving my house to drive to class and I noticed a bunch of ashes/ soot on my car. I couldn’t figure out who would be burning their fireplace on such a hot day and had no other explanation for ashes to be on my car. I dusted the ashes off my car and went about my day.

A couple of weeks later I was leaving my home again to drive to class, but this time there were a dozen cars doubled parked around my car so my car was blocked in. Furious about why all the customers from the corner store decided to park on my street, I finally decided to walk around the corner to the store for the first time to ask the owners not to allow their customers to park in front of my house and block me in.

To my surprise when I got to the front of the store it was NOT a corner store at all. It was a Funeral home 🫨— the box truck had been unloading bodies every night— the ashes on my car were from a cremation— all the cars blocking me in that day were from a funeral that was in session— the weird dreams I was having were possibly ghost?!!!.. Every night after that I would hear the same box truck pull up and I couldn’t go back to sleep afterwards after discovering what they were unloading.

The final straw was one day I was sound asleep and my bed started forcefully knocking against the wall as if someone were at the foot of the bed kicking the bedpost (I was home alone). Frightening out of my mind I jumped up and immediately packed an overnight bag and drove to my friends dorm room at 4 in the morning.

I ended up sleeping on my friends dorm room floor for about 2 weeks before I had the courage to go back to the creepy house I was renting out. That semester I transferred out of the school realizing that I no longer wanted to live in a murder capital city. I’ve always been a sound minded person but til this day that shit I can never explain.

Username: TMJ848

21. Him

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My first real adult boyfriend and I had just broken up. This was around 8 years ago or so. I was an absolute disaster for months.

We cut communication and hadn't seen or spoken in probably four months since the night everything ended, and it was a messy break up. I kept crying everytime I went out with friends just drunk and missing him so much, constantly thinking about him etc.

I want to point out I've never gone through a breakup as difficult as that since or before. About 4-5 months after the break up I had the first dream about him sincr we ended.

We were in bed and sun was really glowly through the curtains. He was on top of me and his hair was hanging around my face (He had long hair that I loved so much). In my dream I reached up and touched his lips and slowly whispered "are you real?" He smiled at me so lovingly that I can still remember everything from this visual.

Anyway. I woke up crying, so fucking sad it wasn't real, and even posted a selfie FROM THAT DAY with the caption "in the most beautiful and terrifying dream I've ever had, I whispered to you while your hair flowed above my eyes, "Are you real?". THATS how much this dream fucked me up. (Also I was an angsty heart broken 20 year old, don't fault me for the insta caption cringe lmao)

That night I wanted to stay in my room alone and be a sad peice of shit, but my best friends begged and convinced me to go to a show at a club that I normally wouldn't ever go to. We went, and there were HUNDREDS of people.

I've never seen this place that packed in my life. So I'm pretty wasted, and my friends are all scattered amongst this giant crowded bar (like we were essentially shoulder to shoulder in there) and I was waiting in line at the ATM when my friend said "I'll be right back and grab us drinks" because all the lines were like 15 people long.

So I'm waiting for probably half hour in this line just quiet and thinking about my ex, and the guy in front of me (who is also in line alone) finally gets to the atm turns around and says "cant wait to finally get a drink now eh!" And it's HIM.

We both froze. After months apart. First moment seeing eachother. Surrounded by literally hundreds of strangers. We just fucking froze. I think I said something like "are you actually real?" And he smiled that smile and said "Yes, I'm real. Do you want to get a drink with me and talk?"

I downed two shots of tequila and we went and spilled our hearts out after getting over the initial shock on a couch upstairs for the rest of the night. I never told him about my dream, but that night he laid over me and his hair swayed over my face and I felt like literally everything in the world lined up in just the right way for me to get him back to me.

Jeez. Haven't relived that story in a minute. Probably the most intense 24 hours in relation to a dream in my entire life and I've just rambled it in a very messy way so forgive me, but it was 10/10 intense.

Username: avendac

22. Two Floating Orbs

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Two floating orbs at two separate times in my life. The first orb I saw was when I was about 5-6 years old. I was over at the neighbors house back in Mexico. She had a lot of kids over that day maybe it was her birthday or something.

But I remember a bunch of kids sitting on a couch. From where I was sitting there were some stairs to the left going up to the second floor, the stairs had like a metal railing. To my right was the door to the house to go out to the street.

So at some point I looked up to the top of the stairs area and as I was just looking up a white orb the size of a tennis ball appeared, the orb was floating as if it was coming down the stairs. I was shocked and tried to speak so someone could confirm what I was seeing but I couldn't speak at all so all I could do was point at it.

As soon as I pointed the orb did almost like a U-turn maneuver floated back up the stairs and disappeared before reaching the top of the stairs. It took me a couple of minutes to gather my strength to get up and leave.

I went straight home and just stayed the rest of the day in my house. I didn't tell anyone till many years later maybe because the orb made me feel scared or maybe I didn't believe myself that I had seen something so odd.

The second orb was when I was around 21-22 years old. I was at a night club with some friends. The club had roof access so as soon as we got to the club we went up to the roof. My guy friend went to order drinks while I danced with my girl friend.

My guy friend comes back and hands me a drink I say thank you but I don't drink it. ( I want to make it clear that I hadn't even started drinking when I saw the orb) so anyway the three of us keep dancing. Something in me said or felt the need to look up at the sky and as soon as I did bam!

There it was. This time it was an orange kind, more like a sunset orange orb again the size of a tennis ball. The orb was just floating in tiny circular motions. I was surprised this time and excited. I turned quickly to tap my guy friend's shoulder and tell him to look up.

Again as I said look at that I pointed at the orb and the orb as if it was startled did a couple of circular moves and quickly swooshed away into the sky disappearing about half a second later. As soon as the orb was gone my guy friend turned and said "look at what?".

I didn't even try to explain all I said was oh darn you missed it. I just went back to dancing and finally had my drink. I like to think it was aliens watching me or something. Lol.

Username: a_unique_username88

23. We Call it the Twilight Zone

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Not necessarily seen but heard and experienced. Quite a few years ago now, my father and I wanted to try out a new hunting spot on some state land. It was an extremely calm beautiful winter day. No wind, it wasn't snowing, just a bit chilly as winters in the NE US tend to be.

We parked or truck on the access road and walked up a small but steep hill maybe 90 feet high and then walked into the woods and found a nice comfy spot about 100 yards in. After about 45 minutes of nothing much going on, my father and I only a couple feet apart from one another, the silence is broken by a loud cracking noise.

At first slow, then the pace would pick up the creaking, snapping, and a loud CRASH!! A huge tree just randomly falls just out of eyesight of us. Now I know, we are in a forest, its not strange for trees to fall over. BUT like i mentioned, it was dead calm, not snowing, and a beautiful day.

About 20 minutes later same exact thing happens in the opposite direction. Another HUGE tree comes crashing down just out of eyesight. Then another 10 minutes after in a different direction ANOTHER tree comes crashing down.

My Father and I were baffled. We didn't know what was going on. After that no more trees came down. A while longer after this all takes place, just as its starting to get dark it starts to snow.

We decide to pack it up and start heading back. As we are doing this the snow REALLY starts to pick up. Like complete White Out conditions. (I'm from buffalo, and very familiar with heavy snowfall. this was nuts)

For some reason we decided to walk parallel to the road on the walk back and then cut down to the road. But in the amount of time it took us to get moving and walk that little way (maybe 15 minutes) 4-5 inches of snow had already piled up.

Our hike in took us about 20 minutes. the hike back to the Truck took almost an hour. we were pretty scared got turned around a few times and i swear in that time i think a 1-1.5 feet of snow fell. It was just a really crazy unexplainable occurrence. We call that place 'The Twilight Zone' now and haven't gone back since.

Bonus meme: as we finally found the road and hiked backed to the truck (we ended up about 200 yds up the road) my dad was brushing off the truck and started brushing off the inside of the door from the snow that fell on it when he started the truck.

He accidentally pushed the lock button on the truck. luckily it was the manual switch he hit and the passenger side was still unlocked

Username: Rmoose13

24. The Hat Man

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I had a single, extremely intense sleep paralysis event starring what I later found is referred to as "the hat man". It seemed pretty standard sleep paralysis but I still can't shake one part of it.

Sleep paralysis apparently usually happens when you partly wake up in the middle of sleep, but this happened instantly, as soon as my head hit the pillow when I initially went to bed.

I stood up to turn out the light in my room, climbed into bed, sent a text to a girl I was crushing on and then plugged my phone in and laid down and closed my eyes at the same time. The moment my head touched the pillow I hear a deafening boom in both ears followed by the sound of a girl whispering in my ear, loudly enough that the sounds of air whooshing in my ear is distorting the words.

I open my eyes and see a tall man in what I would describe as a duster and a fedora, with everything including his skin being so black it almost seemed to suck up the light. I say almost, because I distinctly remembered the green light from my alarm clock actually did light him up slightly.

He stood at the foot of my bed and smiled slightly, then pulled out a pocket watch from inside his jacket (weirdly not black) and checked the time, made a come hither gesture and it felt like he pulled my out of my body. I was transported to a run down old house with laminated flooring, and a pair of decomposing children, a girl and boy about 10 and 8, dancing in the kitchen.

They were both whispering while they danced. Then I was back in my room and the man kind of dropped the pocket watch so it hung from its chain, put it back in his coat and grinned at me, then walked out the door and vanished.

The second he was gone it was like I was released. I jumped out of bed and turned on the lights. I unplugged my alarm clock because the fact I could actually see the green light lighting up the right parts of him made it feel more real and freaked me out.

I read into what happened to me the next day and found out about shadow people and the hat man, as well as sleep paralysis. I think sleep paralysis is what happened to me. It checks most of the boxes.

I still think it's weird that I do not believe I lost consciousness at any point before, during, or after the event, but that could error in memory or some other sanity issue. But despite not believing in god or ghosts or angels or demons, I can't help but kind of believe in whatever that thing was. It just felt too real.

Username: mr_cristy

25. Hellhound

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I used to take walks in thw Woods behind my house for 10 years, there was a 500 year old graveyard in the middle with rubble where the church used to be. Was really relaxing. Never seen anything odd but always felt like something was watching.

I went for a walk as rhe sun was setting and got pretty deep in the Woods, I then heard a dog whining, I started walking towards the whining and thought it was odd I didnt hear an owner shouting for their dog.

As I got closer the whining turned into yelping so I picked up the pace thinking Maybe a fox is attacking the dog? Or the dog was injured.

Then all of a sudden the yelping turned into growling that turned into the most horrible noise ive ever heard a dog make. (The type you hear in horror movies when a dog is killed or ripped apart by a bigger animal) it lasted for about 5 more seconds when the final yelp hit my ears, then silence.

I froze. I could hear my heart beating but nothing else for a good 30 seconds. Then I heard twigs snapping. It was getting closer and closer I heard more growling and decided to go in the opposite direction. I walked into a clearing/open field that had goal posts on for kids and got to the middle of the field before I turned around to look at where I just came from.

And there stood a very very big black dog/hound, it was huge and had growing yellow eyes and it stared right at me. It didn't move a muscle and just kept staring at me.

My mind was thinking maybe someone bred to huge breeds together or something. It wasnt a long haired coat and honestly looked like a damn hellhound.

I kept blinking thinking im seeing things but it was still there, I took a step back and it stepped forward. I slowly resched into my pocket to try and get my phone to take a video as no one would ever believe me.

My phone got caught on my pocket and I looked down just for a second or two and when I looked back up it was gone. I walked on the very busy road to get home that night and refused to go over there at night again.

I went back the next day thinking I was going to find remains of a fox or small dog but nothing, the only thing i found was trampled bushes where it was standing. I even looked around for cats eyes or reflective well anything..

I looked up large hound or even hellhound sightings in my área but I found nothing. To this day I never told anyone becsuse who would believe this story??? Oh and this was in London, england so no wolfs lol

Username: BrokenCookiez

26. Not Manifesting

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About 8-9 years ago, Couple friends and I went to a park in smalltown wisconsin late at night. We were a little buzzed up and just wanted to go walk around and explore the trails because it was nice out.

I remember walking towards the opposite side of the park where the trails were that lead through the woods and down to the water.

Once we got to through the park to the top of the hill, I heard something down the hill to our left. Without saying anything about it, our conversation stopped instantly, and we all immediately stopped dead in our tracks at the same time and looked.

We saw some sort of tall dark humanoid looking creature squatted down / hunched over facing away from us and at the exact moment we saw it, this thing started to stand up on its back legs and turn its head towards us.

I briefly saw glowing eyes on what I remember looking almost like a black wolf face, but it was CLEARLY not a wolf by how it was crouched down and hunched over. I immediately became overan with fear, and my buzz was gone in a split second.

I don't think i've ever run so fast in my life, and both my friends did the exact same straight back to our car. I still can't even comprehend what we saw, and all 3 of us to this day remember seeing the exact same thing.

I'm a huge skeptic when it comes to this type of stuff as I know it was dark and your mind can absolutely play tricks on you. I did my best later on to try and figure out what it was. No animal I could find matched the characteristics of what I thought I saw. Until years later..

I had actually read a post on reddit about someone having a similar experience, and they just so happened to be in that same area of wisconsin... Another redditor had asked them if they had ever heard of the wendigo and provided a link to a picture.

I clicked the link and nearly shit myself. The illustration was the closest depiction of what I remember seeing that I had come across BY FAR. Supposedly, there are stories of the Wendigo in western Wisconsin and Minnesota!

I think the craziest part of the story, for me, is I had never even heard of a wendigo, let alone have seen a picture, or even knew that was a legend in the area, so I could confidently determine to myself that I was not manifesting or remembering "what I wanted to see."

The brief moment that I saw this thing was burned into my brain and I didn't even put 2 and 2 together until at least 4-5 years later.

Username: TrypZdubstep

27. TV Ghosts

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I have been trying to figure out this “ghost” I saw appear twice on my CRT TV for years now. I lived with my parents during college. One night I was watching TV (on a CRT) in my room when I saw ghostly lines start to appear and take the shape of a face with glowing red eyes.

As it was coming together I leaned in for a closer look; then the show cut to a dark scene leaving me staring at this intensely unhappy looking face for a second or two before it quickly faded out. I expected to see a promo for some upcoming spooky show, but saw none.

Knowing my mom was watching the same show in the living room (on a LCD), during the next commercial I asked her if she saw it and she said no, but my sister had an experience while I was at class that day that they initially weren’t gonna tell me about.

As she walked past my room she saw someone standing in there; my mom was the only other one home so she assumed it was her and started talking to her from the bathroom but got no response. She went and looked and my mom wasn’t in there, or anywhere – she was actually outside gardening!

One week later, I was watching the same show, and the same face appeared, in a different position on the screen, and formed much more rapidly. I immediately ran to the living room, TV in sight seconds after leaving my room, no face. My mom was watching and I asked if she just saw it and she hadn’t, and confirmed she was looking at the TV just then.

I never saw any promos for any TV shows as I continued to watch that network. And the program I was watching was very much not one that would randomly display that face. I posted online on a forum I frequented asking if anyone else had seen anything like that, and no one said yes.

Mind you I am not superstitious or religious, and I have been trying to find logical scientific explanations for this. But this next part takes a page right out of classic demon lore. Many years later while visiting my family, we talked about that incident again.

A while later I was in my old room, that TV or anything else long gone, when I began to smell sulfur. And the smell grew strong. There’s no natural gas or propane lines to the houses in that area and I couldn’t tell where it was coming from.

My dad popped in several minutes later and as soon as he came in he said phew and asked if I farted (I hadn’t). Not long after that, it went away in its entirety and nothing stank for the rest of the night.

Username: SlaughterDog

28. Burial Ground

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Me and two buddies decided to go fuck around in a random field we saw on a map, can't remember why anymore. But it was like nestled between some farmland, and a small string of stores and a bar that made up this tiny shopping center.

We went to the bar beforehand because why not, and decided to go over that lil gated area and go find that field, because google maps showed a bunch of like almost evenly placed things all over it. So we go over the barrier blocking you from driving in, and almost immediately heard what sounded like running through the woods.

And it was a pretty standard "clearing" in the woods if that makes sense, so there was trees all over. We kept checking where each other were standing as we walked what ended up being like a quarter mile before we got to the clearing, and then it was just open.

The things we saw on google maps were iron stakes just sticking out of the grass, which we didn't really think shit of in our inebriated state. My buddy jimmy took out a digital camera and was just snapping pictures of us running around being idiots, not really checking them after at the time.

So we're running around, and I twisted my ankle into this like, idk 5' hole? But it was covered over with grass, and no stake near it, even though it was grouped with the rest and there should have been one based on the pattern.

We heard more walking among the trees, and we looked at the treeline and saw what we thought was like 4 or 5 dudes standing shoulder to shoulder with each other, almost like soldiers. You could hear what sounded like dudes talking to each other off in the distance, at the time we wrote it off as chatter from the bar, except that place wasn't outdoors and we were a good distance from it, no way we'd have heard people from that far I don't think.

We left after a while, and when we were looking at the photos, there was orbs *everywhere*. In the trees, in the air, on the grass, I mean all over. It looked like a filter, there were so many.

We never really figured it out or talked about it again, but I do remember googling something about a cemetery in that area that was completely unmarked and no longer open as it was a burial ground for African-American WW1 vets and slaves of all ages. There was no listing for where that place was located due to years of people vandalizing gravesites, so I'm not sure that it was the same place.

Username: nobolognastoney

29. Not a Noise

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Okay so. This happened around 14 years ago and I was living down in a suburb of San Diego with my then boyfriend and his family in an apartment that was at the base of one of the rocky hills that makes up San Diego. It was at dusk in spring and we had the bedroom window open to let in the air while we putzed around probably on WoW.

The first time we heard it, we didn't think anything of it. The LDS church down the road did events all the time while the kids played in the backyard of the church, so someone yelling "Hey!" was whatever.

But It came again, exactly the same as before, "Hey!" I remember us both looking up and realizing it was quiet outside, no events, so it was kind of odd to hear someone shouting loud enough for us to hear.

Now the thing about our apartment is that it was a seniors apartment that my bf's mom was the manager of so we lived in the manager's rooms on the bottom floor. There was a road that went up the hill right next to our window to another building of seniors apartments. The call seemed to be coming from up that road.

Maybe somebody slipped and fell, we debated. It came again "Hey!" We should check it out we agreed. His parents weren't home to tell, so we left the apartment and went outside, trudging up the hill while the call beckoned us forward. "Hey!"

We got up to the top of the hill just about when night was hitting, the parking lot lit by two poles. To the left was the front door of the facility, brightly lit, and showing no one in need of help.

"Hey!" The call came directly from our right, where a service entrance backed up into some bushes and trees, dark and shadowed. We looked at each other and then slowly walked closer to the bushes.

"Hello?" I called. It was silent. Dead silent. No crickets, no birds, not a noise. And suddenly I realized how incredibly stupid I was being and started to back up. And that's when I got this Feeling this like, malevolent heavy weight to the air. Something was looking at us, and it was not kind.

My boyfriend, feeling it too, backed up, and as soon as we were back in the light from the street lamps, we turned and power walked away towards the closest door into our building. Somehow we knew it would be a bad idea to run.

Once we were far enough away, the feeling lifted, and we made it into the building and went back to the apartment. We didn't hear the call again.

Username: kirythestitchwitch

30. Bright Blue Neon Squares

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It happened around when I was a little more younger (around 14-15 years old). My house is a two floor one and back in the day we only had one bathroom in the first floor, my mother who was afraid of going downstairs alone (cuz she have seen ghost, angels and stuff like that) she would wake me up in the middle of the night to go and give her company down stairs whenever she had to do her business in the bathroom. I would just be chilling in the living room downstairs meanwhile.

Anyway there was this certain night were she woke me up, we would leave the light of the second floor that lead to the stairs on while we walked down, as we were doing that we noticed next to the bathroom door a small blue square shining bright in that color. We were weird out about it, to ease her out i told her I would find the source of the light while she did her thing.

While looking at it I was trying to see if the blue light square was being projected from something (we had a little bookshelf and other stuff around in front of the bathroom room) so i went around looking for maybe something that on reflecting the light. I couldn't find anything.

By the time my mother was done i was still looking around, she even helped me out a bit but we couldn't really find anything. Like i said the blue square was really bright, we only had the upstairs light on, I turn every light in the first floor to see if maybe it would bright even less. It did not, it was still this perfect blue bright square in the wall.

I even dare to touch it with my hand at the time, it wasn't really that bigger than my hand and I thought it would project in my hand (kinda like when you walk in front of a proyector) but it didn't it was just there existing in the wall. It didn't feel any different, I could perfectly feel the soft cold wall.

So my mom was kind of freaked out at the moment because it was really weird. She told me to just leave it there, we turned off every light and we just went back to bed. I keep an eye on the square when coming upstairs it was just there, never changed the shape or color.

Next morning when we went downstairs the little blue bright square was gone. We never saw something like that again. Up to this day I wonder what it was. 🟦

Username: Zarfill