My buddy and I pulled a prank on a bully (Adam) during the last two weeks of high school.
We were hanging out at home playing video games and Adam surprised us by stopping by (under the guise of wanting to "be friends," despite having picked on us for the better part of four years, and one time, stabbing me with a pencil.)
Within about 5 minutes, he was pressuring me to write his final assignment for him. A speech for Debate class. At first I said no (I mean, what is this, some comic book cliché? What will he demand next, my milk money too?) But my buddy kept winking at me, putting the pressure on, and convinced me that we should do it.
After some "negotiation" we agreed to put together a speech for him, but only if Adam would pay us $25, and also pick up a (rather elaborate) dinner order from Wendy's for us to eat that night. He agreed. My buddy and I ate well that night. And we had a plan.
What we actually gave Adam was a quickly and pretty poorly written (and somewhat incendiary) speech about the "silliness of Martin Luther King Day" and how, "if America really wanted to celebrate a true hero, it would instead be Joe Namath Day."
I'm serious. That's what we wrote. We honestly believed Adam would read this at home, realize he'd been had, and be forced to re-write and memorize a new speech in the wee hours of the night.
Except it didn't go down that way. Imagine my surprise when Adam actually delivered that very speech in class the next day. He didn't have the memorization down, he kept referencing his papers, but he marched on. And the look on our teacher's face was just priceless. I think I peed my pants, I was giggling so hard.
The other kids in the classroom were in shock. As I recall, the teacher made Adam stop his presentation. She told him to leave the classroom and she yelled at him in the hallway.
As far as I know, Adam never fessed up that he hadn't actually written that paper, and I'm still not quite sure he ever really figured out just how brilliantly he'd been played.