While working in a level 1 trauma center (calibrating medical x-ray equipment) I was in the emergency room, hearing noises voices, normal stuff.
Anyway I heard this kid crying, screaming at the top of his lungs.
Sound like pretty powerful lungs I was guessing a high school age? Everyone was moving fast as they normally do however they had looks on their faces of deep concern.
When one of the techs I knew well had a moment I asked;
"guessing a kid fell out of his tree house?" The tech shook his head and claimed; "that's no kid in there!
That's a full grown man who was riding his motorcycle and came in some assembly required."
I couldn't resist... A 200lbs man at over 6' tall in Black Harley-Davidson leather.
He lost his arm above the elbow and one of his legs was twisted around completely backwards.
A visual I will never get out of my head. That much blood, you can physically smell the iron in the air. That's what I get for looking.
As a kid I was walking through the woods when on holiday.
I was only following the river up and down so I couldn't get lost.
I saw a tarp through the trees and thought I would go check it out.
As I got close, somone I couldn't see said "Turn around and keep walking".
Which, unsurprisingly, I did. At a run.
When walking back along the river the next day, the tarp was gone.
I'm a sales rep and was looking for a meeting room in a rural hospitals pathology department and got lost.
I started opening doors to find someone who could help me.
When I opened one door, there was a primate of some sort (not human) that was suspended by its wrists that had all of its skin flayed off.
Presumably it was a primate cadaver being used for anatomy lessons, but it scared the s**t out of me.
The skin was removed from the skull, but the eyeballs remained, so it appeared to be staring at me as I entered the room.
Pathology departments in small town hospitals are creepy as hell.
I was driving to a jimmy buffet concert in Pennsylvania back in 2007 with my brother and two friends. We were just driving along and saw a four door sedan in the right hand lane about half a mile in front of us swerving.
Figured maybe they were going to the concert and pregamed a little too much.
Anyway, my brother decides to pull up on them and see what we can see.
As we are approaching we see handfuls of papers being thrown out the passenger window, confused, we speed up and are just about to pass them on the left. We see a couple in their 50’s in the car.
The husband, who is driving, is just throwing HAYMAKERS at his wife right to her face in the passenger seat as he’s driving.
Time feels like it stood still for a minute, we are driving along side with me in the passenger seat window rolled down flailing my arms around and yelling trying to get the guys attention.
Remind you we are going 55mphs, another car comes up behind us and we actually manage to block the dude in and slow him down.
Meanwhile my friend in the backseat is on the phone with 911 trying to get a cop out there. Long story short, we end up slowing the car down to a slow crawl and cops show up within what seemed like a minute.
Cops took our statements and arrested the dude. It was a pretty quiet ride the rest of the way to the concert.
A few years ago I still lived in my parents house,it was about 11pm and our dog started barking viciously.
The dog is only able to move around in the backyard,
and normally he would bark at cats in the front yard,
but something about his bark was different,so I walked to the window to see what was going on.
I looked out and saw a man looking through the same window...
We both froze and after a few seconds he ran off.
A few weeks later when we came home after work all our electronics and expensive stuff was gone.
When I was 15 me and a buddy were hiking along the Merced River to our fishing spot
when we were stopped on the path by three guys with ball caps and bandanas covering their faces and holding shotguns.
They told us to turn around and go back, which we did without question.
Was very strange since we'd been down there dozens of times and had never seen them before or after this.
Found out a few months after that there was a Klampers rally happening on the property of a guy who lived down there and they were guards.
When I was a kid I was walking to my house in Atlanta, from my school, and between two buildings there where about three gang members beating the crap out of this guy.
The guy was on the ground with blood around his head. One of the gang members saw me and walked over to me.
He was wearing a orange ski mask, which he pulled off. He got on one knee so he was on my level.
This massive black guy stares me straight in the eyes and says, “This is a bad guy, we’re teaching him a lesson, ok?”
I nodded very fast, I was so scared. He smiled at me and said. “Don’t tell anyone you saw ok? This is are secret”.
I nodded again. “Go home now, ok?” I nodded and took off running. I ran all the way home and just sat on my porch shaking.
I realize now that the fact he took off his mask was to make me feel less scared, but if he was a different person,
he could have taken off his mask because he didn’t care if I saw his face because he was going to unalive me.
I was backpacking on the AT trail staying in one of the multi story shelters (basically a barn).
A little background is these shelters are notoriously overrun by rodents, so you need to store food/hygiene stuff in a tree.
You share the barn with like 5-10 strangers and it’s usually a fun way to make new friends.
Anyway I was up in the loft and woke up to a thudding noise. I thought I imagined it but it happened again every 2-4 minutes.
I peek my head down the ladder and there is a dude sitting there super still with a red light head lamp pointed down at some peanut butter crackers.
A rat goes to get some cracker and he slams a knife into it and PILES IT ONTO A STACK OF DEAD RODENTS.
I was creeped tf out but the dude turned out to be chill and made everyone coffee the next morning.
He totaled 13ish rats. We had a funeral pyre for them
When I was little me and my family lived over 20 kilometres from a city in the woods.
We had a nanny stay with us when our parents were away.
Once when only me, my sister ( we were around 8 years old )
and nanny were home while playing outside we saw a bunch of people emerge from the forest nearby and walk slowly like zombies towards our house,
they tried climbing the fence, but they were too out of it to accomplish such a task.
The nanny called our mom and she drove home from the city and took us all to our grandparents.
We later found out that there was some party going on not too far from our home and 2 people passed away from overdosing, 1 from stab wounds there.
To this day I feel super greatful that they were too tired to get past our fence that day and police was able to apprehend the ones that stayed around long enough.
My uncle was babysitting me when I was about 9 and so I went to work with him for the day.
He was a landlord for some buildings in a city at the time and got complaints that an elderly woman hadn’t been seen in a few days from the neighbors.
She was on the ground floor and I think the door may have been locked from the inside with a chain or something
but he had me climb in through the window to open the front door for him.
My naturally curious self crawled through the window
and instead of going straight for the front door I followed an awful smell towards the bedroom and found this lady face up on the ground.
The place was a mess so I didn’t immediately associate the bad smell with death but I bolted to the front door and watched them take her away in the ambulance.
I don’t know any legal answers here and I never really talked about it. Weird day
One morning i was waken up by someone using an angle grinder. I know it was my younger brother, he usually used that to cut stuff. Couple minutes later i heard a noise of liquid splashing only you hear in horror movies. I wasn't sure if it was a dream or not because i was half asleep.
Seconds later my brother walked into my room holding his right hand with his other hand to not fell off his body looked at me.
I was in shock, i picked something, like a towel or i don't know what it was and quickly put that arround his arm and called 911 but i was so shocked i couldn't even talk for like a minute,
i put myself together and told the operator what happened and waited for the ambulance,
i don't know how long it took them to arrive but all that time i sat there with my brother trying to keep him awake. I watched how slowly the light in his eyes fadded.
He passed out a few times. When the abulance came i went out of the house to get some air while they did their stuff.
First thing i saw was the angle grinder with the power cable cut off and a line of blood 2 metters long.
There was no time for ambulance to get him to hotspital fast enough so they called a helicopter. My brother survived.
He can move that arm and even carry stuff with it but lost most of its dexterity which sucks because he is right handed. This happended 3 years ago.
I didn’t see it so much as heard it. I was the first appt of the morning at my dermatologist’s office
and was sitting in the corner out of view of the receptionist’s desk.
The doctor came up to her behind the counter and started reaming her out,
cussing etc. about some situation I couldn’t understand but he was actually yelling and super nasty.
Then not 10 seconds later, he opens the door and comes out doing a jig and whistling and all
“do dee do dee do aw shucks good morning Miss Sanibelle! do dee do dee do.” like he usually did.
I had whiplash from the 180.
I stopped seeing him because the transformation was seriously scary.
A few years ago the wife and I were searching for our first home.
I was in the basement of one of the places that we were looking at, and somehow noticed a light switch that seemed out of place.
I was flicking the switch as my wife and agent came down the stairs.
My agent noticed a bit of light comng from underneath the drywall framing the stairs.
With a little further inspection I found a very tiny passage between the foundation wall, and the backside of the stairs.
Said passage opened up into a undisclosed renovation that was a sub-basement room, that was completely rubberized with an industrial hose and shower head.
Walls, ceilings and flooring was all rubber. It was 100% a secret kidnap room.
My agent called the cops and 48hrs later the listing was removed and the home had police tape around it.
A drunk idiot got hit by a car right in front of me in the middle of the night in the middle of freakin nowhere
His condition was unstable the trauma helicopter (with trauma team ofc) was needed.
I was holding a sheet with another person so onlookers wouldn't see what was happening and well..
It's wasn't pretty at all, ever heard ribs crack due to CPR? And his lung collapsed or it was filling with blood (not sure)
but.. the trauma doctor opened up his chest right in front of me
I do not have any medical background and well.. I've seen things that night that I wasn't suppose to.
But it did gave me more appreciation seeing those professionals in action basically performing surgery right in front of me.
Was rather impressed by how methodical they were and their cool-headedness
On my way home, I was looking at a busy street from the subway platform I was on
and I saw this guy that everyone knew as a scammer in the neighborhood.
He'd throw himself Infront of cars for money.
But that day he threw himself Infront of a real nice car and it struck him real hard.
He flew into the 4 way intersection, clearly shocked by the pain,
and his head got crushed under a truck passing by that didn't slow down in time.
It looked like a watermelon exploding.
It's crazy seeing a full on human who has existed for decades just stop existing in a few seconds.
driving a friend and his family to airport - he is an er doc and I am not ...
we watch a trail of motorcyclists (who group of them out for a ride).
Anyhow one of the guys goes up - hits the side of a truck and then cracks his head wide open,
at highway acceleration speeds and goes end over end with no upper part of his skull ....
two other motor cyclists stand there with sheet or something to block view...
hard to miss the reddish pink brain-stain on the highway ...
When I was growing up, my Mom and Dad were shopping for a new house.
We went to a new construction neighborhood to take a look.
There was a model that my Mom liked and the sales lady said there was one being built down the street,
it was about 50% done, but we can take a look to get an idea of the space.
So we all hopped into the sales lady car and went to go look. We got in the house and she started to show us around.
We went upstairs and in the 2nd floor bedroom, there was a guy fully nude and furiously pleasuring away.
I am 100% sure he heard us coming as the house was empty and our voices were slightly echoing as we moved around.
My Mom screamed, the saleslady screamed, my Dad said "WTF", I was just hysterically laughing.
The guy grabbed his clothing and just ran past us and out the house.
Had to go to a coworker's apartment to retrieve office equipment and files,
because he had died suddenly of a heart attack the night before.
When I got there he was still in his recliner, the funeral home hadn't picked him up yet.
I was not a happy puppy that day.
I was at my friend’s house and we were playing on her dad’s computer.
Somehow we ended up in the search history and he’d been to adult sites about animal stuff.
I was like TWELVE and I’ve never been the same.
Bum exposing himself at the bus stop saying he needed to release the demons
In my hometown, there's a street called Eldridge that everyone avoids. It's a short, unremarkable alley, but it has a peculiar feature — anyone who walks down it seems to disappear for a few moments, only to reappear confused and disoriented.
As a local journalist, I was drawn to the mystery of Eldridge Street. I began to investigate, interviewing people who had experienced this phenomenon. Each person described a sense of being lost in time, of seeing visions of the town as it was decades, even centuries ago.
I delved into the history of Eldridge Street and discovered it had been built over an old cemetery from the 1700s. The graves had been unceremoniously moved during the street's construction, leading to rumors of a curse.
Driven by curiosity, I decided to walk down Eldridge Street myself. As I stepped onto the cobblestones, a dense fog enveloped me.
I wandered through the mist, catching glimpses of the town's past — horse-drawn carriages, old-fashioned clothing, faces from a bygone era. Voices whispered around me, speaking in languages I couldn't understand.
When the fog lifted, I found myself back at the beginning of the street, only an hour had passed, but it felt like a lifetime. I was disoriented, my head filled with images and sounds from the past.
After my experience, I dug deeper into the town's archives. I learned that Eldridge Street had been a site of significant historical events — tragic fires, a smallpox outbreak, and the passage of soldiers during wartime. It was as if the street had absorbed these memories, replaying them to anyone who dared walk its path.
My article on Eldridge Street became a local sensation, drawing curious visitors and paranormal enthusiasts. However, the town council, concerned about safety, eventually closed off the street.
Eldridge Street remains a local enigma, a slice of history lost in time. Its whispers continue to haunt my dreams, a reminder of the past's hold on the present. I often find myself drawn back to that foggy alley, listening for the echoes of history, forever embedded in the cobblestones of Eldridge Street.
I saw a lady moving big blue chemical barrels into a garage,
there was at least 20 in there and she saw me and closed her garage.
Drove by an hour later, garage open, all barrels gone.
I was 8 and watched my friend's Dad beating the s**t out of him from my tree house.
Looking back, it's no wonder he was the class clown. People loved him at school.
My phones photos synced up with my moms and I had found stuff meant for my dad I will never be the same..