In my old village, a 9 day old baby was ravaged by dogs. At least, that's what the papers and news reported. Here's what actually happened; so this fam had 2 sweet dogs, a husky and a tiny mangled yorkie with an overbite who was almost blind.
They'd escape the house OFTEN, once a week or so, the husky escape artist and the yorkie followed behind and end up in my mums work place down the road playing with elderly residents who gave them positive attention. They never once bit or harmed anyone.
Despite this, every time my mum called the family to pick up the dogs, They'd take forever to turn up and then berate my mum for not feeding the dogs or tying them up outside (she'd gotten to known the dogs over months of this and got to know them) and mums judgement said they were docile lovely dogs, just starved for attention.
Bit of background, my mums friend worked in the local primary school as a cleaner and dinner lady. The fam had a little girl who was on a strict diet because she apparently had cancer, but she was never taken out of school for treatment, and my mums friend saw the mother of the family shaving her daughters head clean before school.
Kid never gets chemo or treatment, everyone catches on the mother is an attention whore and the kid is perfectly healthy and the mother definitely has munchaussens. But apparently its not a crime to lie about having cancer or your kids having cancer.
So, new baby comes into the world. What the papers reported; baby was left alone for 5 minutes snd a vicious dog attack happened where they ripped her from the scrib and killed her.
What actually happened: baby and dogs left unattended for hours because the parents are doing fuck knows what, dogs get excited and accidentally trip the crib over which causes sensitive baby to fall to the floor, hit her head and die. No bite marks on the baby at all.
Dogs did NOT maul her to death, but yes they were responsible.. or shall we say, the parents were responsible for being idiots and not keeping their escape artist dogs in a different room away from a fragile baby.
The dad ran down the road screaming his dogs had killed his baby, which was a gross overexaggeration of what happened, presumably to get the blame away from the fact the parents were at fault. Not the dogs.
Sadly by the time it was cleared up that baby had NOT been attacked, it was an accident, both dogs were put down. The family milked the shit out of the 'savage dog attack' angle however, and kept spreading lies about what happened.
Everyone in the village knew the truth. The papers never investigated further. I had to tell everyone in Uni the truth as it was big news at the time where I live and front page papers were talking about it, and it was from my village. It was a wake up call for a lot of people about the bias of journalism and not to believe everything you read.
Username: Jill4ChrisRed