We all have our little secrets. Some much worse than others.
And sometimes those secrets could come back to haunt us in a major way -
especially when it comes to the relationship department.
These people confessed dark secrets that could utterly destroy their marriage if anybody ever found out.
When i was in 8th grade i fell in love with my girlfriend.
I never thought it would be possible for someone so young could have such strong feelings.
The relationship didn't last more than three months because my mom and step-dad divorced and i had to move.
I thought about her every day since i moved away.
I met another person and have been married for 20 years now. I have four kids and have no complaints about my wife.
Five years ago through social media i was able to correspond with 8th grade girlfriend.
It turns out that she still has feelings for me too.
I have been faithful to my wife for our entire marriage but want more than anything to be with my first love.
I'm a guy with a foot f**ish. And I -never- told my wife even though she has amazing feet.
BUT it gets worse - I have a weird twist to my foot f**ish. I'm really into 'pedal pumping' (i guess that's the closest way to describe it) and I'm mortified to tell her or anyone else, and never have.
When I was a little kid we spent a LOT of time at church during the week for mom's choir practice and there was a decent looking piano player lady who would kick off her shoes and play the piano barefoot.
And even though I knew nothing of my s**uality, I remember Saturday afternoons, being up on the stage/pulpit during boring choir practice,
laying on the carpet, playing with Matchbox cars and trying not to make it seem glaringly obvious that I was transfixed watching this lady's bare foot pushing on that piano pedal...
I was totally transfixed, and it continues to this day. Women playing pianos, organs, driving barefoot, using a sewing machine barefoot.
My fantasies usually always involve me imagining myself as the pedal, and the woman has a s**y bare, nylon, or sock clad foot. If it's a smelly foot even better.
I feel guilty and stupid to this day. Why on earth would a f**ish like that develop when I was a kid?
"I am a gay man married to a woman who has no idea I am gay.
How is my life? It's great. It's pleasant. I have two beautiful children who I love more than anything. I have a successful job and a lovely home. My wife is one of the most amazing people I've ever met. So that is my life.
Myself, however, the way I feel inside is not so good. I feel disgusted with who I am. Growing up in a Catholic household had me living in fear of being banished by my family for revealing my s**uality.
That's not something I'm afraid will happen, that is something that is a well known fact in my family. I would love more than anything to be honest to everyone. I am a coward though...
As ridiculous as it sounds I thought that getting married and settling down etc would make these feelings I had about being gay go away. Before meeting her I was constantly struggling with the fact that I might be gay. My upbringing made me believe that being gay was wrong and so I always tried to convince myself that that's not who I was. For awhile it worked. I think I wanted so bad to be straight that I just made myself believe I was.
I got married to my wife at 23 and for a short time after our wedding I was relieved. I thought 'Yes, I knew it. I knew I just had to find someone who would clear all this up for me!' That just came crashing down. We started having s** more to try and get pregnant and that caused me realise that I am a gay man.
I'm not remaining in the closet because I'm too scared of my wife's reaction. In fact she would probably be the most forgiving. I have decided not to come out because of my family. I'm not exaggerating when I say that they will disown me. They wouldn't think twice about it. I wouldn't be happy. I would be lost. Now that I have children that just scares me even more.
I wouldn't ser them much at all and that's not an option for me... There are many things I wish I had done differently but I do not regret any of my choices because they've all led me to where I am today. My son and daughter are these amazing little people. I live in a great house with a loving and sweet little family. Our marriage (sham marriage as some people have pointed out) is a good one despite my s**uality.
Our marriage is healthier than some that I know about and hear about. I have accepted that I may never come out and I've learnt to be okay with that. I will consider going to therapy too. This is the most I have ever talked about it. Up until now I have not told a soul and so I have really swept everything under the rug. It is amazing what you can block out if you really try.
My Friend got a bl**job from his step sister on his wedding night...
We all started drinking before the wedding even started.
Ceremony went by then the reception where we drained the 3 kegs and someone actually left to go get more beer.
Midnight rolls around and the DJ is done for the night. Instead of going to a hotel or home with his bride we still want to party so he decides to have the after party at his house.
we all go to his place and continue to drink.
Everyone else either passes out or has a ride home.
Us three are hanging out and his step sister starts striping and dancing for us which is something that happened on a pretty regular basis when we would all drink together.
She starts bl**ing him... then he leaves to go to bed with his wife who is asleep.
She has no idea I wear panties (not hers) when she is gone.
I know, I sound like a sick f**k but I love wearing and sleeping in them.
I've even gone out to run errands while wearing them.
I buy them online and arrange for delivery so they arrive as soon as she leaves early during the week of her business travel.
I can't explain my addiction to wearing the panties, but I know I love it.
No ones going to probably find this comment, but I have an addiction to pr****tutes.
I can't control myself. I'm also married and my wife has no idea.
I spent $2000 on our credit card while she was overseas for 3 weeks.
I lied and told her that I had a gambling problem, that's why I spent so much.
Little does she know, I was bringing h***ers home.
I have lesbian s** with my best friend about once a month.
Neither of us say anything to our husbands.
We drink a good bottle of wine, get tipsy, get nasty, and fall asleep.
When we wake up, we laugh, kiss, and go about our lives.
I once helped out my a female friend's family by taking care of their cat for a week.
Every day for a week, I would go over there and snoop around their house.
I found my friend's diary, and proceeded to read the entire thing.
I used this information to get her to like me, and she is currently my wife.
I'm an atheist. I'm also a deacon in an evangelical church.
I'm not exactly proud of it but I try do my part to convince people to live like Jesus because even if he wasn't god,
he certainly had some good ideas about loving other people.
The problem for me is my family. I'm married with a one kid and another on the way.
I believe that such a revelation would be devastating for my wife.
I've tried to tell her in subtle ways but I can't bring myself to just come out and say the truth.
I love my wife and I don't wish to harm her emotionally in that way.
My friend inherited a beautiful diamond engagement ring.
The stone was worth $20K. His fiance was thrilled to receive it and flaunt it.
Now his wife of 25 years, it's still one of her most precious possessions.
Only I (and you 4 million) know that she does not own the original diamond.
My friend sold the stone for $15K and an equal sized, substitute diamond on the day he picked it up from being sized to fit her...
The value of the ring was learned at appraisal, and was actually appraised a bit higher.
The $20K was the number he knew he could get from a wholesaler in the district. It is still insured for the higher amount.
The stone that was substituted is a diamond - and I couldn't tell the difference. The money was mostly used to clear debts.
My father never had anything other than boys, and my mother always wanted a girl.
Try as they might, they just had tons of boys. When I was 6 they adopted a girl of also 6.
Everyone was pleased, and she was quickly included into the family by everyone and we all took an immediate shine to her. Especially me.
We started playing 'doctor' at 9. This progressed to fooling around by our early teens, and into actual s** shortly thereafter.
We're both over 30 now. We have s** whenever we see each other. We also like to pretend we are twins when we do have s**.
We've both had our shares of girlfriends and boyfriends, but we always kept it up even while in those relationships. She's actually married now.
We still have s** about 2 times a month, more when the family gets together for holidays.
I can't even imagine the bricks that would be s**t if anyone ever found out. It's been close a few times, especially when we were younger, but nobody's ever caught on.
Client is an elderly gentleman, some type of retired professional. His son is a pastor.
Everything about his situation seemed very normal in terms of income, property, etc.
However, it turns out he had a pretty serious p**n hobby and he was concerned his wife might find out and use it against him in the divorce.
However, as I mentioned above, I assured him that was pretty run-of-the-mill these days and unlikely to affect anything.
He then asks if I feel the same knowing the p**n is not 'mainstream.'
I asked what he means and he looks very nervous.
I wanted to make sure he wasn't referencing CP, so I pushed him on it. The guy was into goats.
Years ago my gf (we'll call deb) and I were out with her friend (we'll call Sara). This one day Sara had to pin unlock her phone each time to take one of many pictures....out the corner of my eye I saw her pin.
I saved it in a note. Months later sara and deb were at my place and went to the pool. Sara left her phone indoors. I used her password and hit jackpot. N*des, videos, message logs with some guy she was talking (well call jeff) to, along with tons of d**k picks and videos of him j**king off...
With this goldmine of pics and vids I concocted a slow plan.....very slow. Slowly I broke off with deb but kept in touch with sara. I then created a alter ego online (we'll call it Vanessa). For months I worked this identity so it looked real. This identity started following Sara on all social media (Sara accepted any friend requests).
Vanessa blackmailed jeff. Jeff was given 2 days to stop talking to sara or his d**k picks got leaked. He was chicken s**t and dropped her like a hot potato.
But Sara was strong willed...when Vanessa threatened sara to stop talking to jeff or her pics get leaked she protested...so I knew I had to change tactics. Vanessa disappeared for a while until I could get Sara's phone in my hands for a bit. One day sara was over and 'lost' her phone at my place.
I 'found' it for her the next day.... Not before I installed a spy app that let me keep track of her everything. A few weeks later Vanessa came back but now armed with the conversations sara was having with everyone. While tracking Sara's reactions and suspicions, I made it show that Vanessa wasnt real....
Now all my friends know me as being pretty tech literate. One day im talking with Sara and she breaks down crying telling me how she been long distance s**ting this guy and somebody hacked his or her phone and now shes being blackmailed by some stranger she doesn't know. So she askes me if I could help her. Long ending short I made it look like jeff was Vanessa. I made it look like he created this person so that he could blackmail Sara into f**ked up s** stuff.
Sara left him and guess who was the hero? Me. I caught 'Vanessa.' Sara was now safe because of me. Once we blackmailed the guy, 'Vanessa' disappeared... You know...for realism. Sara and I now had this tragedy...this hurdle that we overcame together.
We started dating not long after. She was never going back to long distance relationships and wanted to try local....4 years later were married.
When me and my (now) wife first started dating in College, I got along really well with her best friend. We always just sort of clicked to the extent that my now wife would even joke about how she thought we would be a better couple.
I never viewed her as anything more than just a friend and when I first met her she had a fairly serious longterm boyfriend, so it really wasn't an issue or anything.
Fast forward about a year and me and my wife had kind of a nasty break up right after Christmas break. I won't go into the back story since it's long and complicated but my wife did some things that were kind of cruel and short sighted at the time and her best friend actually sided with me, which obviously caused HUGE rifts between them as well.
I was pretty broken up about everything and one night my future wifes friend showed up at a house party that I was at and ended up just holing herself up with me in a corner, listening to me whine and mope and complain while trying to console me.
Finally, both drunk, at the end of the night I offered to walk her home (something I'd done before, no biggie) and she accepted.
Walk came to an end, she invited me in to talk about it more and when I got a little emotional and she consoled me by bluntly stating that she thought my wife was wrong and was crazy to treat me like this and what a good guy I was and yada yada yada. We kissed and ended up sleeping together.
She was still with her long term boyfriend (they broke up within a few days of this incident) so we didn't speak for a few days because it was so awkward... but here's where it gets really awkward:
My wife and I reconciled about 3 weeks later and ended up dating for another year and a half, spending a year engaged and getting married. We've been married for 4 years now. Her friend? Still her very best friend. Maid of Honor at the wedding.
They talk all the time... we recently went on vacation to Jamaica with her, her new boyfriend, my wife and me. And no, my wife doesn't know and I've never told her... neither have her friend and me ever discussed what happened after that night.
While those people are keeping their dark secrets,
here are some unlucky spouses who actually found out the horrible things their partners were hiding from them:
That he was doing meth up until after our first son was born.
Found this out after we were divorced though.
That she wants to have fights and be mad.
For example, we currently havent spoken for 3 days,
and shes sleeping in the other room because I accidentally text "good night,
sleep tight", instead of just "good night", because I was the one going to bed, not her.
So in her mind, that text must have been meant for another woman.
We live together, we work together, we share a car.
How on Gods green earth could I have a side chick?
I realized he would always blame me for his angry outbursts and mistakes-
he punched a wall and screamed about a homework assignment
he didn't understand because I was sitting on the couch quietly.
Then after he was finished blaming me and realized I was upset,
he became all sad and wanted me to comfort him.
What a pathetic human being.
I'm glad I've grown past accepting that sort of behavior.
Out of nowhere, a year into being married, he said he wants to join the Marine Corp.
He also wanted me to drop out of law school, birth babies, take care of his mother,
and a run a household all while he’s deployed. Hard pass.
A little over a year after being officially together I finally put together that they had the cancer gene in their family.
Despite being crazy in love with her, this made me want to back out (because I totally saw a future with her).
Her grampa and dad both had head and neck cancers,
2 aunts and 1 uncle were survivors of ovarian and lung cancer.
I knew I wanted kids and she did too so there was always this looming fear that our future kids might get it.
Still went through because she mattered more to me than all my fears combined.
Life plays a cruel joke and despite having no vices and being an occasional drinker, she got the big C as well.
Head and neck just like grampa and her dad. Lost her a little over a year ago. Still, no regrets. Still love her a lot.
He hid a few Xanax addictions/withdrawals- forgave him.
He stole 4000 from our joint savings that only I contributed to - forgave him.
He sexted and was trying to meet up with randos,
which made me realize I should probably leave..
But, the thing that made me certain was when I realized he didn’t actually want an equal relationship.
He expected me to shop, cook, clean, and be responsible for him for the rest of our lives.
He pretended to want what I wanted for years, and I was dumb enough to believe his excuses on why he just couldn’t do it yet.
I demand and deserve a reasonably equal relationship! Divorce was one of the best things I ever did.
7 years in I found out he was a high school dropout without even a GED.
He had initially told me he was a game design major and turned down a job opportunity
(or internship, I can't recall which) with EA Toronto because he didn't want to leave me.
I literally told him "GO, we can figure other s**t out later, this won't wait."
I should've known then. Ugh, love is blind, but only for so long.
That he had been cheating on me and racking up debt.
We had gotten married and made life plans,
that he had always known would never come to fruition because of what he was doing behind closed doors.
Yet, he allowed me to marry him anyway,
knowing I was signing up for a life I did not want and that we did not agree on.
I would have been the one to bear the brunt of the consequences for HIS actions.
5 years together. Bye, Felipe
When I had my first child. The pregnancy wasn't a surprise or an accident. We talked and planned. He got a little overbearing during the pregnancy, like insisting on breastfeeding without even discussing it with me. I put it down to new dad nerves, and not knowing any better.
Turns out that was only the tip of the iceberg. He believed that children were completely and totally a wife's responsibility.
He wouldn't change a diaper. He wouldn't pick up the baby when it cried. No way would he get up in the middle of the night.
He expected me to work a full-time job, plus do all the childcare.
At that point, I was confused and appalled but I told myself he just needed time to adjust.
I realized how delusional I was when the baby got sick while he was on a fishing trip.
The doctors thought baby had meningitis. So not just sick, but life-threatening sick.
I called and asked him to come home. He refused. He'd paid for two more days of fishing. He didn't want to lose the money.
We were driving home from a dinner in which we drove separately too
and without knowing it she cut me off by merging into my lane last minute without using a blinker.
I was annoyed at first, but when I recognized it was her car it made me feel very strange.
She lied about being financially responsible and was formulating a plan to murder me.
1 year in: found out his ex girlfriend was actually still his girlfriend.
We broke up with him together and became great friends.