Posting with an alt.. So, I was married in 2001. Had 3 kids by 4th anniversary in 2005. Things were ok, we talked, went on dates, and enjoyed spending time together.
I turned over the bill paying to her after 8 years of marriage (2009-ish), as she has degrees in business management, business administration, etc. and I never went to college.
Started putting 90% of my direct deposit into her checking account (for some reason, we never had a true "joint account", as I had added her to the one I had since 1987, but she never added me to her account).
Well, from that point on, she didn't have to talk to me about bills, so our interaction dwindled. I was always the primary parent taking the kids to school functions, scouts, church, friends (theirs, or mine), etc.
Communication stopped, except for her corrected my speaking (usually to one of the kids, or my friends), and the occasional update about her family.
Since communication was rare, at best, physical intimacy was non-existent. Not just sex, but hugs and kisses (morning, or night), when I left, or got home, hand holding was met with a look of "What the hell do you think you're doing?", the bump against each other with a toe in the middle of the night sparked her to jump (literally) out of bed, and leave the room.
So, one Saturday, she said she was going to cook dinner that night, after her routine nap after lunch. She ate her lunch, laid down for her nap around 12:30 PM, ostensibly to get up about 3:30 in the afternoon.
She got up at 5:30, and asked me to cook dinner. She told me what to cook (pasta, red sauce, and use the sausage we got from Don's Meats in Scott, LA).
Ok, fine. I thawed the sausage links out, and proceeded to heat up a little olive oil, got the noodles out, and rummaged for some vegetables while she went to the front porch to smoke, drink coffee, and read/play games on her phone.
I found some cauliflower from the night before in the fridge, and decided that could be her's (neither the kids, nor I like it). Got a can of spinach out, some green beans, and carrots (a little something for everyone). Sliced up two of the 5 links into slices (like you'd see in a BBQ joint), and put them in the pan.
She came in for a refill of her coffee, and remarked "Huh, I didn't know that's what you meant by sliced sausage". I just stood there quizzically for a few seconds, and asked "What do you mean? How else would you slice sausage?".
Her reply, "You know, just kind of cut it once, in half". I was stunned - literally. Like, what? That's not sliced sausage, that's literally half a link. So, ok, I've got three more links, I'll cut two of them that way, and the rest the way I was doing it.
She said sure, go ahead, and went back out to the porch.
I just leaned back against the counter, and realized that if after 15 years we cannot agree on the simple term "sliced sausage" - that the communication barrier is not going to get better, it's only getting worse.
That was the moment, as little and petty as it sounds, that I said "Nope, fuck it, I'm out". I moved out of the house a few weeks later, and while that was over TWO years ago, we're still going through the divorce process.
Username: Justanotheralt59