Throwaway, and no one will ever read this so I'll tell my story (although it doesn't exactly fit the question but whatever).
Grew up with a single mom, I don't remember much about my dad ever being around, he left when I was a baby. My older brother though, had a much harder time with my dad leaving, and grew up with a lot of abandonment issues.
I was a smart, well-mannered kid, teacher's favorite, didn't get into trouble, happy and outgoing, tender, compassionate, blah blah.
My older brother was pretty cynical, tended to act out a lot, got in trouble more, as he grew older he got involved with drugs and slacked in school, etc.
So I'm in 5th grade when this all goes down. I'm not sure what possessed him to do it, but for whatever reason my brother wiped his ass with my mom's face towel. So she goes in to wash her face in the morning and wipes my brother's shit on her face.
Obviously she's horrified and pissed, and gets us all together (my brother, myself, and my younger sister) and asks who did it.
We all deny, of course. Now it was getting close to Christmas, and my mom being at her wit's end with trying to figure this out (probably not even to punish, bless her heart, but just figure out why psychologically one of her kids would do that to her), threatened to take away Christmas presents from *all of us* if whoever did it didn't fess up.
So I confessed. To something I didn't do. My reasoning in my little, innocent, 5th grade mind was something like, "I'll cover for my big bro, and make sure we all still get Christmas presents." I didn't understand the gravity of what happened, but it ended up being one of the most pivotal, crushing and horrible decisions I've ever made.
Over the next... 6 years-ish, my life became ~~a living hell~~ pretty miserable. My brother realized, "Hey I basically have carte-blanche to do whatever the fuck I want, and little bro will take the blame."
He continued to shit on towels (I still don't fully understand why he chose to do that), download porn on the family computer, make long-distance phone calls that cost a LOT of money, all kinds of stuff. Every time, without fail, I would be accused, then deny having anything to do with it.
But because I had confessed to that first incident, it was assumed that it was me. No matter how much I denied it, I always ended up eventually breaking and saying I did it, and taking whatever punishment. It would take days or weeks after each time something happened, for my mom to warm up to me again.
The worst part, to be honest, was getting picked up from school, happy to see my mom, and she would be sullen and silent, not saying a word to me. My skull would start to burn with the knowledge that it was about to happen again.
I would ask, "What's wrong?" *knowing* in the back of my mind that I was in for an awful few days. Nothing could ever convince my mom that it was anything different than what she believed it to be.
My brother started masturbating into towels and sheets in the linen closet. That's how I had my first 'sex talk', I didn't even know what semen or masturbation or orgasm were, and my mom was asking me about all this shit I didn't understand, and I remember being so confused.
I remember my mom mentioning a few times that she had even talked to some close friends and family about it. So I know there are at least half a dozen friends/aunts that believe I was doing all this horrible stuff.
When I was a junior in high school, my brother got arrested for theft. Several months later, the night before he was supposed to show up in court, he went on a drug-induced burglary spree. He ended up in jail for 6 years.
The night he got arrested, I remember feeling SO thankful. So grateful that it was *finally* all over. I was so excited to explain everything to my mom, and re-enact this moment I had fantasized about for years, where I would tell her and she would cry hysterically and beg me to forgive her, and I would give her a hug and tell her of course I do, I don't blame you, I just want to have a good relationship with you.
Well that didn't happen. I told her all that stuff wasn't me, that my brother had done all that, and that I had confessed the first time because I didn't want to lose Christmas, blah blah.
She basically told me I was lying (again, ironically), and that there was "no way" it wasn't me. It finally dawned on me that all these incidents had so badly eroded her trust in me, that short of my brother confessing, there was no way she would ever believe me.
So I wrote my brother a letter in prison. I basically said, 'I love you, and I want to have a good relationship, but I feel distant from my own family because of all that happened.
I forgive you, and I want to move on from this.' I didn't even ask or compel him to tell my mom, although I hoped he would. He responded back saying essentially, 'I don't have a clue what you're talking about, sorry you feel that way, blah blah' denying the whole thing.
Which I thought was really stupid, because why even deny it? Of course we both know what really happened. Well the next day, I get another letter from him basically saying, 'I'm so sorry, I was a piece of shit back then and it was evil, and I'll tell mom, but if you're ok with just waiting til I get out of prison, I'll tell her then, I don't want to overwhelm her.'
Well fast forward five years, he gets out, doesn't tell her. It's been like five years since he's gotten out, and he still hasn't told her.
I'm never going to push it, because I think it's something that should come from him, out of his own desire to make it right.
But at this point, I'm pretty sure my mom will go to the grave believing I did all that, and created all the distance between us that we've struggled with ever since.
Anyway, that's my story.
Username: triedtosavexmas