Back in my early twenties, I was working a sh*t job in the mall. I'd only been working there for about a month when I was promoted to keyholder over a guy who started before me. The dude had been a real flake as long as I'd known him, so I wasn't surprised. Apparently, he'd been promised the position and was really upset at me.
For the next month, he was a huge d*ck to me. Swiping sales, complaining to the manager about me, "slyly" f*cking up cleaning projects or displays I had done and informing the manager that I'd failed to do something. After a full month of his bullsh*t, I eventually snapped.
At a few of the local plant nurseries, you can buy jars of ladybugs for ten bucks. I bought three, which was somewhere between two and five thousand ladybugs. I swiped his keys from the break room while I was on lunch, found his cute new Saturn, and dumped all three containers on the floor of his back seat.
We closed together that night, so we ended up waking out to the parking lot together after dropping the cash off at the deposit box. I was parked further out, so he got to his car before I did, and I was able to get a peek at my handiwork.
It looked like something from a horror film. The ladybugs had swarmed the entire inside of his car, and in the dim light, you couldn't really tell what they were - only that the car was full-on infested with bugs.
The dude had a f*cking breakdown right there in the parking lot. Just absolutely lost his mind. I enjoyed the scene at first, but the longer it went on, the worse I felt. After he calmed down enough to start making sense, he barreled into this monologue about how he was sure it was the girl from the pretzel stand because he'd been such a huge a**hole to her, and he starts crying.
He goes on about how he deserves this for being so awful, and then apologizes to me for being such a d*ck, and keeps going on about how he brought this on himself. It was pretty bad.
I offered him a ride home, now feeling really guilty, and when I dropped him off, he thanked me for being so nice to him, despite all the awful stuff he'd done. He said his mother was undergoing cancer treatment, and it wasn't going well. Oof. He apologized again, and I didn't see him for a few days.
Sh*t between us at work improved a lot, but I still felt guilty as f*ck. He had to sell the car a few months later because the Texas heat had [slayed] all the ladybugs, and he couldn't get the smell of them out of the vehicle. His mom [passed] a little while after that, and he ghosted the job.