Guess I'm telling this story twice in one day. On my 23rd birthday, me and friend went to visit my buddy who was in the Marine core. His mom recently passed away, and left him a rather large inheritance. We get to his house, and he surprises us and tells us that he's taking us to Las Vegas. Holy crap, VIP treatment in Las Vegas with a high roller, best time of my life.
We are leaving Las Vegas after 4 days and go to the airport. It's around 9AM and we're all starving. I see this Mexican place, and order like a 3 lbs burrito. The things got rice, cheese, more cheese, jalapenos, the freaking works man! I eat the burrito, then we proceed to get onto the plane. Since my buddy is a high roller, we can't fly coach out of Las Vegas, so he buys us first class tickets!
We're now on the plane sitting in the most comfy, leather chairs ever. My stomach starts to bubble. Before I even continue, you should know that I have a DEEP FEAR of public restrooms. When I have to poop at work, I take lunch, and drive the 20 miles home then go back. So yeah, stomach begins to bubble, and there is absolutely no way that I'm holding this thing in. Farts are leaking out and I know that there's no way I'm not going to poop myself, so I do what I have to do, and make my way to the bathroom.
I enter the bathroom, and do what I like to call "the move". "The move" is when you're figgiting to get your belt off, then drop your pants to your knees as you squat over the toilet bowl, and in one fluid motion you poop while sitting with barely an extra second of time. WOW. I drop the most stank, rancid, disgusting crap of my life. It's explosive diarrhea, but the smell. WOW. I can taste the smell on my tongue right now just thinking about it.
My eyes are watering, and I begin to wipe my bottom. As I'm wiping, I look on the wall and there's a sign that has the picture of a hand holding what I now know is a paper towel, but what I THOUGHT was a piece of toilet paper, over the toilet bowl, and then there's one of those big, red circles with the line through it. I assume that this means that you're not allowed to flush toilet paper on an airplane, which at first sounded weird to me, but what the fuck do I know, I don't poop in public none the less on an airplane. I see a waste basket built into the wall, and I think to myself, "Oh, that must be where you dispose of your shitty toilet paper after you're done wiping your ass. I wonder if it sucks the shitty toilet paper into another compartment of the plane."
So, I proceed on wiping my ass with toilet paper, and throwing the shitty toilet paper into the "waste receptacle". When I finish and I'm washing my hands, I start to sniff around. It still smells GOD AWFUL. I hurry out of there, and make my way to my seat. I sit down next to my friend, with a confused look on my face.
"Hmm...That's weird...", I say. "What's weird?" we'll call him "Rob" says. "I didn't hear the toilet paper get sucked into the waste receptacle when I left the bathroom," I say. "It still smelled something awful."
Rob looked visibly confused for a good 30 seconds at me. "What are you talking about? What waste receptacle?" Rob says. "Oh you know. The one in the bathroom that you throw your shitty toilet paper into. There's a sign in there that says you can't flush any paper." Rob starts laughing thinking that I'm joking. He sees the look of horror on my face.
"Oh my god, BrockFukcingSamson. You're serious? The sign is there so people don't flush PAPER TOWELS. You're supposed to flush toilet paper. I don't suppose you saw a GARBAGE CAN in the bathroom, did you?" Rob says to me.
"Can't say that I did. All I saw in there was the toilet, sink, and waste receptacle..................ohhhhhhhh.........................OHHHHHH!!!!!!!"
Right as I have the revolation that I threw my explosive diahrrea toilet paper into the GARBAGE CAN, a VERY well dressed Japanese businessman (wearing a very expensive suit, sitting with what I've deduced was his personal assistant), gets up from his seat, and walks over to the bathroom. We look on in horror as he opens the door, and backs into the bathroom. As soon as he shuts the door, we hear gagging, and he opens the door just a few seconds later and hastily makes his way back to his seat. He turns the little air nozzle above his seat on full blast and brings his face up next to it and starts breathing in deeply, his face beat red in probably anger, and maybe disgust.
And that folks, is the first and last time I've ever flown first class.
Username: BrockFukcingSamson