Man, where do I even start? When I met her, she seemed like a somewhat normal early-20 something. She liked to party, maybe drank more than she should, seemed a little wild, but hey, what 22 year old guy wasn't into that sort of thing?
But then the crazy started leaking out. Turns out she had been arrested for a drunk in public a few years before we had met. Okay, no big deal, shit happens. Oh, wait, no, she's been arrested multiple times for DIP *and* had an aggravated DUI. Awesome. This came out after we had gone out for drinks and whatnot a few times when she had driven. But whatever, ain't my license on the line, but I did start driving more when we went out.
Little bit down the line, turns out she takes some medication for anxiety. Oh, okay, I mean, whatever, I know a lot of people who take benzos. Wait, no, actually, she's on a cocktail of anti-anxiety drugs, anti-depressants, mood-stabilizers and who knows what else. Oh and she sells Norcos for her dad. Sell meaning eats a lot of them and sells some of them to her junkie friends.
Ok, I mean, I'm not super down with that, but I'm not really in a situation to be telling her what to do. I expressed my dislike of it and she said she'd stop.
Why was she on all of these drugs might you ask? Turns out she was in a horrendous car accident when she was 19 in which her mom and another person died right in front of her and she sustained life-threatening injuries, including the loss of some of her organs, including one of her kidneys. She had scars, but had always side-stepped the questions, saying something about an operation she had had when she was younger. But yeah, she's running on one kidney, while eating drugs and drinking like a friend. Great, just great.
Needless to say, there were plenty of late night drunken fights about who-knows-what and her flying off the handle because, well, she was, for all intents and purposes, crazy, whether it was because of the drugs or because of whatever demons the car-wreck had created in her mind.
The final straw came when she disappeared from her house one night, black out drunk. I wasn't with her, but her room-mate called me, asking if I knew where she was. I told her I hadn't talked to her in a few hours, tried to call and text her multiple times, but I got nothing. I was worried, but didn't have any recourse, so I went to sleep.
I wake up to my doorbell ringing at 9AM. It's her. She had gotten dropped off by her dad. She reels off this story about how she had gone out with a friend (who was driving her car) and they got stuck and had to get the car towed. She lived a little bit out in the country, so this kinda made sense. It was a Saturday, so she wasn't going to be able to get her car out of the tow lot until Monday.
Well, shitty, but okay. Monday morning rolls around, she still doesn't have her car and asks for a ride to work. No problem. Next day, same thing, needs a ride, no big deal. She says that she's having some problem getting her car out of the lot because of some mix-up at the DMV or something, but hopefully it'll get lined out soon.
A week later, after driving her to work and picking her up most days, I'm hanging out at a party and my friend asks me if I was gonna tell him about Erin's DUI.
*What?* My friend worked with a neighbor of the girl's dad and had gotten the full story. Turns out she had gotten blacked-out drunk (and probably eaten a bunch of drugs) and drove out of her house, took out a fence and crashed her car into someone's barn. Totaled her car, got arrested and spent the night in the drunk tank. Got picked up and dropped off at my house in the morning. She'd been lying to me for about 2 weeks straight at that point. Needless to say, I confronted her about it and broke it off.
Crazy, drunk, drugged out girlfriend eats drugs, totals car, gets arrested and lies about it, becomes *the* crazy ex.
Username: braff_travolta